A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Jake Prince (#201)

Best Entry (Juniors) #4034
Game Score Points Rank
Black Hole 73,800 68 20
Lost World 58,460 69 19
Whitewater 68,702,970 82 6
Johnny Mnemonic 856,313,260 78 10
Point Total 297 8

Other Submitted Entries for Juniors

Entry (Juniors) #4015
Game Score Points Rank
Whitewater 3,515,000 48 40
Black Hole 122,510 81 7
Hurricane 3,504,270 73 15
Tales of the Arabian Nights 905,590 52 36
Point Total 254 12

Entry (Juniors) #4024
Game Score Points Rank
Tales of the Arabian Nights 13,266,620 90 2
Lost World 108,270 79 9
Johnny Mnemonic 227,388,760 49 39
Whitewater 13,676,210 61 27
Point Total 279 11

Entry (Juniors) #4028
Game Score Points Rank
Lost World 38,540 57 31
El Toro 18,630 72 16
Whitewater 81,475,550 85 3
Johnny Mnemonic 200,883,220 48 40
Point Total 262 12

Entry (Juniors) #4044
Game Score Points Rank
Black Hole 61,110 61 27
Hurricane 12,256,720 83 5
Johnny Mnemonic 630,524,950 70 18
El Toro 22,170 77 11
Point Total 291 9

Entry (Juniors) #4059
Game Score Points Rank
El Toro 24,190 83 5
Lost World 101,660 78 10
Johnny Mnemonic 484,036,920 65 23
Whitewater 11,680,660 59 29
Point Total 285 11

Entry (Juniors) #4087
Game Score Points Rank
Tales of the Arabian Nights 5,552,090 75 13
El Toro 8,310 53 35
Lost World 80,230 75 13
Black Hole 75,560 71 17
Point Total 274 11

Entry (Juniors) #4104
Game Score Points Rank
El Toro 8,990 54 34
Lost World 50,920 66 22
Black Hole 78,630 74 14
Hurricane 7,539,370 80 8
Point Total 274 11

Entry (Juniors) #4107
Game Score Points Rank
Hurricane 13,183,520 84 4
El Toro 11,540 59 29
Black Hole 50,960 59 29
Lost World 98,880 77 11
Point Total 279 11

Entry (Juniors) #4133
Game Score Points Rank
Black Hole 198,390 85 3
Johnny Mnemonic 880,837,180 79 9
Whitewater 11,025,220 58 30
El Toro 4,810 46 42
Point Total 268 12