A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Darren Kamnitzer (#148)

Best Entry (B) #2279
Game Score Points Rank
Funhouse 11,614,240 78 10
No Good Gofers 12,887,270 43 45
Lord of the Rings 8,929,520 0 169
The Who's Tommy 462,522,280 61 27
Dirty Harry 873,694,860 82 6
Point Total 264 3

Best Entry (Classics II) #5308
Game Score Points Rank
Xenon 155,070 40 48
Nitro Groundshaker 78,180 34 54
Ali 265,630 49 39
Cleopatra 65,590 37 51
Point Total 160 62