A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Wendi Jankowitz (#115)

Best Entry (B) #2193
Game Score Points Rank
Twilight Zone 105,965,980 0 126
Funhouse 1,562,210 0 196
Big Guns 2,481,410 72 16
Eight Ball Deluxe 425,500 0 119
Cue Ball Wizard 38,585,260 0 171
Point Total 72 52

Other Submitted Entries for B

Entry (B) #2081
Game Score Points Rank
Cue Ball Wizard 84,759,210 0 107
Eight Ball Deluxe 515,000 5 83
Big Guns 256,140 0 200
Twilight Zone 40,667,990 0 219
Funhouse 1,962,520 0 166
Point Total 5 62

Entry (B) #2090
Game Score Points Rank
Funhouse 1,545,990 0 199
Big Guns 353,220 0 190
Eight Ball Deluxe 344,000 0 145
Cue Ball Wizard 48,222,540 0 160
Twilight Zone 101,414,360 0 130
Point Total 0 63

Entry (B) #2135
Game Score Points Rank
Twilight Zone 143,883,920 0 93
Funhouse 3,042,530 0 108
Big Guns 381,370 0 183
Eight Ball Deluxe 95,000 0 228
Cue Ball Wizard 70,185,150 0 124
Point Total 0 63

Entry (B) #2136
Game Score Points Rank
Twilight Zone 49,067,990 0 200
Funhouse 3,082,910 0 105
Big Guns 1,028,510 10 78
Eight Ball Deluxe 315,090 0 156
Cue Ball Wizard 128,510,660 9 79
Point Total 19 62

Entry (B) #2192
Game Score Points Rank
Twilight Zone 25,780,140 0 251
Funhouse 4,508,880 25 63
Big Guns 544,240 0 153
Eight Ball Deluxe 320,550 0 151
Cue Ball Wizard 102,870,970 0 98
Point Total 25 61

Entry (B) #2234
Game Score Points Rank
Twilight Zone 96,510,510 0 138
Funhouse 1,825,380 0 177
Big Guns 327,100 0 194
Eight Ball Deluxe 258,500 0 180
Cue Ball Wizard 30,707,330 0 182
Point Total 0 63

Entry (B) #2314
Game Score Points Rank
The Who's Tommy 208,433,940 0 123
Cue Ball Wizard 278,974,720 57 31
Lord of the Rings 13,195,600 0 144
Eight Ball Deluxe 147,500 0 220
No Good Gofers 2,133,350 0 216
Point Total 57 55

Entry (B) #2315
Game Score Points Rank
The Who's Tommy 354,220,800 29 59
Cue Ball Wizard 195,786,830 31 57
Lord of the Rings 19,939,630 0 117
Eight Ball Deluxe 392,500 0 126
No Good Gofers 5,920,640 0 121
Point Total 60 54

Entry (B) #2344
Game Score Points Rank
Twilight Zone 44,785,280 0 209
No Good Gofers 2,308,510 0 212
Lord of the Rings 6,241,110 0 195
Cue Ball Wizard 377,739,740 72 16
The Who's Tommy 43,776,820 0 220
Point Total 72 52

Entry (B) #2525
Game Score Points Rank
The Who's Tommy 301,875,680 15 73
Cue Ball Wizard 40,400,420 0 168
Lord of the Rings 36,796,790 22 66
Funhouse 1,539,680 0 201
No Good Gofers 7,659,090 0 93
Point Total 37 60