A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II Classics III

Player Name: Enrico Campi (#497)

Best Entry (C) #3468
Game Score Points Rank
Iron Man 15,932,200 77 11
Terminator 2 42,749,060 58 30
Twilight Zone 57,730,840 0 182
The Addams Family 32,892,300 0 135
World Cup Soccer 263,117,830 0 182
Point Total 135 37

Best Entry (Seniors) #7130
Game Score Points Rank
Banzai Run 1,047,120 42 46
Congo 497,103,310 70 18
Genie 129,530 6 82
Shadow 56,222,310 17 71
Point Total 135 30

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3855
Game Score Points Rank
The Addams Family 10,447,300 0 305
Iron Man 3,569,050 0 286
Terminator 2 14,628,390 0 140
The Simpsons Pinball Party 1,250,410 0 293
Rolling Stones 18,000,830 31 57
Point Total 31 142

Other Submitted Entries for Seniors

Entry (Seniors) #7109
Game Score Points Rank
Congo 188,087,890 12 76
Theatre of Magic 359,636,320 63 25
Banzai Run 807,510 27 61
Class of 1812 4,215,240 16 72
Point Total 118 32

Entry (Seniors) #7284
Game Score Points Rank
Theatre of Magic 38,300,000 0 152
Congo 128,882,300 0 102
Banzai Run 411,700 0 104
Class of 1812 6,219,680 39 49
Point Total 39 41

Entry (Seniors) #8158
Game Score Points Rank
Congo 198,863,850 21 67
Theatre of Magic 68,150,050 0 122
Genie 82,280 0 117
Whirlwind 1,656,970 13 75
Point Total 34 41