A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II Classics III

Player Name: Joe Schall (#495)

Best Entry (Seniors) #7154
Game Score Points Rank
Whirlwind 7,076,050 84 4
Theatre of Magic 819,919,820 100 1
Shadow 73,961,210 28 60
Congo 283,118,760 41 47
Point Total 253 9

Other Submitted Entries for Seniors

Entry (Seniors) #7102
Game Score Points Rank
Whirlwind 4,280,350 73 15
Theatre of Magic 34,833,440 0 162
Shadow 46,501,100 9 79
Congo 71,901,940 0 125
Point Total 82 38

Entry (Seniors) #7107
Game Score Points Rank
Whirlwind 1,402,310 0 95
Genie 149,080 22 66
Class of 1812 3,565,330 4 84
Theatre of Magic 126,151,380 4 84
Point Total 30 42

Entry (Seniors) #7115
Game Score Points Rank
Class of 1812 1,099,210 0 122
Shadow 68,140,660 23 65
Theatre of Magic 209,680,690 30 58
Whirlwind 2,400,500 42 46
Point Total 95 37

Entry (Seniors) #7127
Game Score Points Rank
Class of 1812 363,090 0 130
Shadow 8,450,220 0 117
Theatre of Magic 385,947,150 65 23
Whirlwind 2,159,630 37 51
Point Total 102 36

Entry (Seniors) #7137
Game Score Points Rank
Class of 1812 2,877,120 0 99
Genie 160,440 32 56
Theatre of Magic 159,101,870 22 66
Congo 132,509,120 0 99
Point Total 54 39