A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II Classics III

Player Name: Andrew Ciravolo (#459)

Best Entry (C) #3667
Game Score Points Rank
Rolling Stones 4,598,430 0 272
Iron Man 2,223,550 0 430
World Cup Soccer 775,016,840 76 12
The Addams Family 34,416,580 0 125
Wheel of Fortune 1,449,530 0 318
Point Total 76 85

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3372
Game Score Points Rank
Rolling Stones 4,669,800 0 271
The Addams Family 18,229,340 0 228
World Cup Soccer 179,234,180 0 262
CSI 5,337,500 0 129
Twilight Zone 98,466,400 0 94
Point Total 0 160