A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II Classics III

Player Name: Samantha Uplinger (#451)

Best Entry (Juniors) #6075
Game Score Points Rank
Congo 204,815,700 41 47
Shadow 13,320,770 3 85
Theatre of Magic 27,660,040 0 117
Genie 198,230 71 17
Point Total 115 28

Other Submitted Entries for Juniors

Entry (Juniors) #6022
Game Score Points Rank
Shadow 15,210,000 6 82
Whirlwind 756,100 0 100
Congo 48,272,020 0 91
Theatre of Magic 49,750,050 0 95
Point Total 6 43

Entry (Juniors) #6067
Game Score Points Rank
Shadow 63,800,880 46 42
Theatre of Magic 26,800,000 0 119
Whirlwind 848,800 0 92
Congo 78,447,020 8 80
Point Total 54 38

Entry (Juniors) #6257
Game Score Points Rank
Congo 94,051,200 18 70
Genie 94,240 20 68
Shadow 14,951,320 5 83
Theatre of Magic 32,150,030 0 113
Point Total 43 42