A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II Classics III

Player Name: John Harris (#381)

Best Entry (C) #3467
Game Score Points Rank
Iron Man 9,264,650 37 51
Terminator 2 4,477,550 0 321
Wheel of Fortune 5,516,300 0 88
Rolling Stones 5,089,170 0 260
The Addams Family 3,721,030 0 386
Point Total 37 138

Best Entry (Seniors) #7287
Game Score Points Rank
Theatre of Magic 149,470,670 17 71
Shadow 291,792,860 77 11
Congo 144,764,580 0 90
Class of 1812 16,480,260 81 7
Point Total 175 21

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3508
Game Score Points Rank
Terminator 2 6,579,650 0 271
Iron Man 6,043,460 0 122
Rolling Stones 9,936,310 0 153
The Simpsons Pinball Party 558,520 0 361
World Cup Soccer 212,527,150 0 229
Point Total 0 160

Entry (C) #3868
Game Score Points Rank
Rolling Stones 4,460,610 0 280
Iron Man 4,891,240 0 177
Terminator 2 11,874,610 0 165
World Cup Soccer 281,272,460 0 163
The Simpsons Pinball Party 1,794,740 0 227
Point Total 0 160

Other Submitted Entries for Seniors

Entry (Seniors) #7108
Game Score Points Rank
Theatre of Magic 50,800,100 0 135
Congo 323,404,780 49 39
Genie 101,880 0 107
Shadow 205,681,320 70 18
Point Total 119 32

Entry (Seniors) #7122
Game Score Points Rank
Whirlwind 2,943,680 56 32
Theatre of Magic 140,966,750 12 76
Shadow 250,644,430 74 14
Congo 168,507,380 6 82
Point Total 148 26

Entry (Seniors) #7140
Game Score Points Rank
Shadow 49,851,320 13 75
Congo 196,588,630 19 69
Theatre of Magic 258,366,970 45 43
Whirlwind 434,550 0 144
Point Total 77 38

Entry (Seniors) #8096
Game Score Points Rank
Shadow 237,626,610 73 15
Theatre of Magic 155,650,090 20 68
Congo 196,963,690 20 68
Class of 1812 4,778,360 24 64
Point Total 137 30

Entry (Seniors) #8097
Game Score Points Rank
Shadow 28,880,770 0 100
Theatre of Magic 238,248,830 39 49
Congo 193,513,700 17 71
Class of 1812 996,060 0 124
Point Total 56 39

Entry (Seniors) #8191
Game Score Points Rank
Theatre of Magic 245,651,520 42 46
Congo 49,364,180 0 133
Shadow 24,250,440 0 108
Whirlwind 1,531,060 3 85
Point Total 45 40