A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II Classics III

Player Name: Mateo Leyba (#368)

Best Entry (B) #2457
Game Score Points Rank
Avatar 10,580,830 0 102
Creature from the Black Lagoon 70,784,450 0 94
The Who's Tommy 442,113,630 81 7
Future Spa 466,790 53 35
Monster Bash 12,331,280 0 151
Point Total 134 41

Best Entry (Classics I) #4152
Game Score Points Rank
Amazing Spider-Man 194,950 45 43
Big Game 263,650 35 53
Harlem Globetrotters 192,440 27 61
Monaco 437,190 37 51
Point Total 144 79

Other Submitted Entries for B

Entry (B) #2067
Game Score Points Rank
The Who's Tommy 459,755,110 84 4
Terminator 3 7,321,490 0 332
Monster Bash 12,494,610 0 149
Future Spa 30,830 0 306
Family Guy 4,469,240 0 186
Point Total 84 64

Entry (B) #2201
Game Score Points Rank
The Who's Tommy 127,479,590 0 182
Monster Bash 21,465,220 4 84
Future Spa 413,390 45 43
Family Guy 4,977,270 0 171
Avatar 7,826,600 0 128
Point Total 49 79

Entry (B) #2531
Game Score Points Rank
F-14 Tomcat 545,710 0 102
Future Spa 254,100 1 87
Creature from the Black Lagoon 26,931,640 0 241
The Who's Tommy 181,141,810 0 116
World Cup Soccer 973,515,520 80 8
Point Total 81 66

Entry (B) #2772
Game Score Points Rank
Creature from the Black Lagoon 135,639,290 52 36
F-14 Tomcat 314,180 0 174
Future Spa 115,340 0 184
The Who's Tommy 62,064,510 0 271
World Cup Soccer 809,432,250 70 18
Point Total 122 48

Other Submitted Entries for Classics I

Entry (Classics I) #4151
Game Score Points Rank
Gator 2,715 51 37
Harlem Globetrotters 154,760 13 75
Mars: God of War 54,050 34 54
Strato-Flite 25,800 5 83
Point Total 103 101