A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II Classics III

Player Name: DJ Murray (#359)

Best Entry (B) #2607
Game Score Points Rank
Creature from the Black Lagoon 83,149,990 9 79
Family Guy 1,451,740 0 276
Future Spa 613,570 72 16
Terminator 3 34,564,460 10 78
The Who's Tommy 42,114,820 0 295
Point Total 91 59

Other Submitted Entries for B

Entry (B) #2320
Game Score Points Rank
Terminator 3 65,009,250 74 14
Avatar 4,078,670 0 204
Creature from the Black Lagoon 38,161,200 0 188
Future Spa 55,090 0 267
World Cup Soccer 99,697,800 0 296
Point Total 74 69

Entry (B) #2419
Game Score Points Rank
Terminator 3 14,566,820 0 262
World Cup Soccer 122,390,690 0 275
The Who's Tommy 318,086,810 50 38
Future Spa 224,130 0 103
Avatar 2,273,990 0 290
Point Total 50 79

Entry (B) #2450
Game Score Points Rank
Creature from the Black Lagoon 14,417,040 0 309
Future Spa 20,830 0 314
Terminator 3 16,384,290 0 235
The Who's Tommy 52,166,550 0 285
World Cup Soccer 120,550,800 0 276
Point Total 0 92

Entry (B) #2561
Game Score Points Rank
Future Spa 252,530 0 88
Terminator 3 31,644,100 0 101
The Who's Tommy 197,448,360 0 105
Creature from the Black Lagoon 10,430,060 0 323
Avatar 2,094,060 0 296
Point Total 0 92

Entry (B) #2797
Game Score Points Rank
Future Spa 539,370 63 25
The Who's Tommy 69,278,130 0 257
Terminator 3 26,541,650 0 128
Creature from the Black Lagoon 32,489,260 0 212
Avatar 4,592,170 0 185
Point Total 63 73

Entry (B) #2832
Game Score Points Rank
Future Spa 137,910 0 163
Creature from the Black Lagoon 53,711,310 0 135
Family Guy 2,932,560 0 224
Terminator 3 38,839,500 27 61
The Who's Tommy 152,908,410 0 154
Point Total 27 83