A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II Classics III

Player Name: Jerry F Kroboth (#344)

Best Entry (Juniors) #6162
Game Score Points Rank
Shadow 49,902,420 37 51
Theatre of Magic 460,733,780 80 8
Congo 162,482,580 33 55
Banzai Run 1,018,770 63 25
Point Total 213 13

Other Submitted Entries for Juniors

Entry (Juniors) #6196
Game Score Points Rank
Shadow 9,430,330 0 90
Congo 295,396,700 57 31
Theatre of Magic 311,746,570 71 17
Banzai Run 841,710 55 33
Point Total 183 18

Entry (Juniors) #6271
Game Score Points Rank
Banzai Run 289,030 28 60
Congo 61,395,130 1 87
Theatre of Magic 93,950,190 30 58
Whirlwind 3,247,700 77 11
Point Total 136 25

Entry (Juniors) #6283
Game Score Points Rank
Congo 214,943,330 45 43
Banzai Run 1,734,260 79 9
Theatre of Magic 127,400 0 127
Whirlwind 2,252,200 62 26
Point Total 186 18