A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II Classics III

Player Name: Michael Pacak (#327)

Best Entry (Seniors) #7192
Game Score Points Rank
Shadow 38,690,770 0 91
Congo 193,084,300 16 72
Banzai Run 1,382,480 68 20
Theatre of Magic 37,800,140 0 154
Point Total 84 37

Other Submitted Entries for Seniors

Entry (Seniors) #7193
Game Score Points Rank
Theatre of Magic 47,650,130 0 142
Whirlwind 1,125,420 0 111
Genie 125,580 2 86
Class of 1812 1,165,120 0 120
Point Total 2 43

Entry (Seniors) #8074
Game Score Points Rank
Banzai Run 237,760 0 119
Theatre of Magic 16,300,040 0 171
Class of 1812 902,210 0 125
Genie 155,190 27 61
Point Total 27 43

Entry (Seniors) #8075
Game Score Points Rank
Banzai Run 855,900 30 58
Theatre of Magic 47,525,870 0 143
Shadow 25,170,550 0 105
Congo 104,187,780 0 111
Point Total 30 42