A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II Classics III

Player Name: Andrew Batchelor (#264)

Best Entry (Juniors) #6168
Game Score Points Rank
Genie 203,480 73 15
Whirlwind 3,966,500 82 6
Class of 1812 2,707,420 36 52
Banzai Run 1,620,130 78 10
Point Total 269 7

Other Submitted Entries for Juniors

Entry (Juniors) #6012
Game Score Points Rank
Shadow 27,631,320 18 70
Theatre of Magic 70,715,830 15 73
Whirlwind 1,730,570 45 43
Congo 174,727,180 36 52
Point Total 114 29

Entry (Juniors) #6029
Game Score Points Rank
Theatre of Magic 55,850,130 2 86
Banzai Run 376,720 31 57
Genie 101,860 26 62
Class of 1812 1,414,510 21 67
Point Total 80 37

Entry (Juniors) #6033
Game Score Points Rank
Banzai Run 1,006,420 61 27
Class of 1812 6,902,480 66 22
Genie 73,710 12 76
Whirlwind 1,730,030 44 44
Point Total 183 18