A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II Classics III

Player Name: Kristin Markitell (#247)

Best Entry (Juniors) #6272
Game Score Points Rank
Theatre of Magic 189,828,580 54 34
Congo 522,552,940 82 6
Banzai Run 1,131,230 69 19
Whirlwind 2,499,180 67 21
Point Total 272 6

Other Submitted Entries for Juniors

Entry (Juniors) #6072
Game Score Points Rank
Whirlwind 2,809,870 73 15
Theatre of Magic 44,350,030 0 103
Shadow 17,570,770 8 80
Congo 146,866,690 30 58
Point Total 111 30

Entry (Juniors) #6080
Game Score Points Rank
Banzai Run 250,040 26 62
Shadow 48,870,990 36 52
Theatre of Magic 206,055,540 58 30
Class of 1812 5,988,330 61 27
Point Total 181 18

Entry (Juniors) #6179
Game Score Points Rank
Banzai Run 885,730 58 30
Congo 391,456,250 72 16
Shadow 107,453,410 65 23
Theatre of Magic 59,570,590 7 81
Point Total 202 16

Entry (Juniors) #6195
Game Score Points Rank
Theatre of Magic 54,550,010 0 91
Shadow 114,532,200 68 20
Class of 1812 7,706,120 75 13
Whirlwind 784,710 0 98
Point Total 143 24

Entry (Juniors) #6258
Game Score Points Rank
Theatre of Magic 44,746,210 0 102
Shadow 255,203,960 83 5
Congo 57,757,050 0 88
Banzai Run 874,890 57 31
Point Total 140 24

Entry (Juniors) #6277
Game Score Points Rank
Whirlwind 1,127,320 14 74
Theatre of Magic 35,100,040 0 111
Class of 1812 1,658,570 24 64
Banzai Run 1,341,610 73 15
Point Total 111 30

Entry (Juniors) #6278
Game Score Points Rank
Theatre of Magic 109,986,020 39 49
Class of 1812 2,461,180 32 56
Whirlwind 5,838,200 85 3
Banzai Run 103,700 20 68
Point Total 176 21