A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II Classics III

Player Name: Carol Walker (#211)

Best Entry (C) #3276
Game Score Points Rank
CSI 1,542,210 0 355
Iron Man 4,834,700 0 179
The Simpsons Pinball Party 1,651,070 0 241
Twilight Zone 207,092,250 63 25
Wheel of Fortune 6,492,590 18 70
Point Total 81 76

Best Entry (Classics I) #4030
Game Score Points Rank
Big Game 252,150 31 57
Gator 1,564 11 77
Harlem Globetrotters 69,200 0 101
Strato-Flite 48,160 42 46
Point Total 84 112

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3027
Game Score Points Rank
The Addams Family 5,956,470 0 360
World Cup Soccer 396,960,690 0 102
Twilight Zone 81,538,550 0 125
Terminator 2 9,176,750 0 202
Iron Man 6,702,980 0 94
Point Total 0 160

Entry (C) #3066
Game Score Points Rank
The Addams Family 4,432,270 0 378
Iron Man 12,095,560 64 24
Terminator 2 16,226,830 0 121
Twilight Zone 61,918,690 0 163
World Cup Soccer 281,706,390 0 162
Point Total 64 101

Entry (C) #3067
Game Score Points Rank
The Addams Family 18,671,820 0 222
Iron Man 2,564,780 0 393
Terminator 2 8,656,670 0 214
Twilight Zone 84,418,690 0 117
World Cup Soccer 378,152,850 0 111
Point Total 0 160

Entry (C) #3087
Game Score Points Rank
Wheel of Fortune 992,560 0 351
The Simpsons Pinball Party 1,080,510 0 322
Rolling Stones 3,000,960 0 357
CSI 1,698,050 0 341
The Addams Family 21,817,080 0 204
Point Total 0 160

Entry (C) #3277
Game Score Points Rank
CSI 4,543,020 0 152
Iron Man 5,048,310 0 163
The Simpsons Pinball Party 5,073,540 15 73
Wheel of Fortune 1,799,100 0 288
Twilight Zone 204,011,480 62 26
Point Total 77 83

Entry (C) #3410
Game Score Points Rank
Iron Man 3,202,370 0 326
Twilight Zone 35,879,670 0 262
CSI 4,710,870 0 146
Wheel of Fortune 3,785,010 0 156
Terminator 2 18,395,790 0 105
Point Total 0 160

Entry (C) #3505
Game Score Points Rank
Iron Man 4,674,710 0 194
Terminator 2 8,776,120 0 211
Rolling Stones 12,905,020 0 100
Twilight Zone 52,378,270 0 197
Wheel of Fortune 1,621,170 0 299
Point Total 0 160

Entry (C) #8055
Game Score Points Rank
Iron Man 2,981,500 0 348
The Simpsons Pinball Party 1,547,790 0 254
Rolling Stones 12,794,850 0 101
Twilight Zone 132,146,490 20 68
CSI 2,597,230 0 246
Point Total 20 151