A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II Classics III

Player Name: Ahna Rosa (#164)

Best Entry (Juniors) #6281
Game Score Points Rank
Genie 258,170 82 6
Class of 1812 4,483,330 55 33
Theatre of Magic 46,850,090 0 99
Congo 214,284,830 44 44
Point Total 181 18

Other Submitted Entries for Juniors

Entry (Juniors) #6261
Game Score Points Rank
Genie 63,130 7 81
Whirlwind 841,550 0 95
Theatre of Magic 142,775,780 47 41
Shadow 28,220,990 19 69
Point Total 73 37

Entry (Juniors) #6263
Game Score Points Rank
Class of 1812 1,139,120 14 74
Congo 90,778,540 17 71
Genie 140,250 50 38
Theatre of Magic 52,300,240 0 93
Point Total 81 37

Entry (Juniors) #6282
Game Score Points Rank
Genie 229,790 79 9
Class of 1812 1,108,210 12 76
Theatre of Magic 65,400,140 13 75
Congo 286,908,820 56 32
Point Total 160 23