A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II Classics III

Player Name: Ron Hallett Sr (#159)

Best Entry (Seniors) #7185
Game Score Points Rank
Genie 292,240 74 14
Shadow 46,400,440 8 80
Congo 69,940,280 0 126
Class of 1812 9,647,470 63 25
Point Total 145 27

Other Submitted Entries for Seniors

Entry (Seniors) #7091
Game Score Points Rank
Shadow 41,800,330 1 87
Genie 135,150 13 75
Class of 1812 9,800,630 64 24
Banzai Run 479,680 0 95
Point Total 78 38

Entry (Seniors) #7098
Game Score Points Rank
Shadow 116,771,540 53 35
Genie 176,950 37 51
Congo 143,388,310 0 91
Class of 1812 3,744,210 8 80
Point Total 98 37

Entry (Seniors) #7184
Game Score Points Rank
Banzai Run 270,180 0 118
Class of 1812 4,951,330 28 60
Congo 507,030,230 72 16
Theatre of Magic 44,551,440 0 147
Point Total 100 37

Entry (Seniors) #7291
Game Score Points Rank
Class of 1812 6,181,420 38 50
Congo 328,986,870 51 37
Genie 137,870 14 74
Shadow 27,801,540 0 102
Point Total 103 36

Entry (Seniors) #8047
Game Score Points Rank
Class of 1812 2,143,300 0 110
Congo 32,750,160 0 141
Genie 167,050 34 54
Shadow 111,700,990 49 39
Point Total 83 38