A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II Classics III

Player Name: Paul H Wilhelm (#136)

Best Entry (C) #3668
Game Score Points Rank
CSI 5,096,480 0 135
Iron Man 5,425,260 0 152
Terminator 2 4,981,580 0 309
Rolling Stones 29,519,680 70 18
Twilight Zone 86,040,420 0 114
Point Total 70 94

Best Entry (Seniors) #7201
Game Score Points Rank
Banzai Run 6,473,780 100 1
Genie 243,760 61 27
Shadow 171,172,090 64 24
Theatre of Magic 41,350,110 0 150
Point Total 225 11

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3014
Game Score Points Rank
CSI 2,886,490 0 223
Iron Man 3,504,440 0 294
Twilight Zone 37,935,280 0 252
Rolling Stones 3,869,600 0 307
Terminator 2 12,375,160 0 161
Point Total 0 160

Other Submitted Entries for Seniors

Entry (Seniors) #7029
Game Score Points Rank
Banzai Run 1,490,750 70 18
Congo 268,489,630 38 50
Theatre of Magic 196,981,120 28 60
Whirlwind 2,895,050 53 35
Point Total 189 21

Entry (Seniors) #7059
Game Score Points Rank
Banzai Run 2,737,660 83 5
Congo 249,513,590 33 55
Theatre of Magic 533,135,300 79 9
Whirlwind 1,435,700 0 92
Point Total 195 20