A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Brian Mendelssohn (#371)

Best Entry (C) #3542
Game Score Points Rank
Family Guy 22,295,570 0 112
Lord of the Rings 7,833,000 0 162
Indiana Jones 53,412,400 0 116
Guns n Roses 300,206,150 0 101
Theatre of Magic 88,950,170 0 238
Point Total 0 111

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3544
Game Score Points Rank
Family Guy 14,486,710 0 154
Lord of the Rings 6,368,880 0 186
Indiana Jones 64,954,100 0 95
Guns n Roses 193,648,100 0 162
No Fear 192,582,720 0 181
Point Total 0 98