A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Jack Simonson (#345)

Best Entry (C) #3310
Game Score Points Rank
Fish Tales 58,524,490 61 27
Lord of the Rings 2,794,900 0 262
Indiana Jones 282,294,470 74 14
Theatre of Magic 312,691,390 0 106
Party Zone 18,414,820 60 28
Point Total 195 24

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3307
Game Score Points Rank
Fish Tales 6,444,420 0 171
Lord of the Rings 15,325,920 0 104
Indiana Jones 100,698,100 18 70
Theatre of Magic 81,550,370 0 242
Party Zone 4,031,730 0 112
Point Total 18 93