A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: James Borrelli (#312)

Best Entry (C) #3329
Game Score Points Rank
Theatre of Magic 1,094,298,310 90 2
Sopranos 47,269,100 54 34
Lord of the Rings 25,600,680 21 67
Fish Tales 29,598,640 17 71
Family Guy 7,943,390 0 215
Point Total 182 27

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3238
Game Score Points Rank
Sopranos 19,011,140 0 99
Theatre of Magic 429,055,680 16 72
Family Guy 42,316,450 31 57
Fish Tales 13,839,580 0 117
Lord of the Rings 29,416,200 30 58
Point Total 77 61

Entry (C) #3278
Game Score Points Rank
Fish Tales 1,334,570 0 227
Family Guy 11,306,460 0 179
Lord of the Rings 5,594,580 0 200
Sopranos 20,072,360 0 90
Theatre of Magic 91,381,030 0 235
Point Total 0 98

Entry (C) #3289
Game Score Points Rank
Theatre of Magic 0 0 266
Sopranos 17,118,570 0 113
Lord of the Rings 0 0 283
Fish Tales 26,439,840 11 77
Family Guy 0 0 262
Point Total 11 97

Entry (C) #3417
Game Score Points Rank
Theatre of Magic 425,720,880 15 73
Sopranos 9,048,080 0 173
Lord of the Rings 25,858,410 24 64
Fish Tales 31,527,660 23 65
Family Guy 37,991,260 21 67
Point Total 83 61

Entry (C) #3448
Game Score Points Rank
Theatre of Magic 381,750,490 1 87
Sopranos 14,431,940 0 128
Lord of the Rings 2,236,250 0 271
Fish Tales 38,511,320 36 52
Family Guy 12,807,400 0 163
Point Total 37 83

Entry (C) #3465
Game Score Points Rank
Theatre of Magic 304,660,320 0 111
Sopranos 4,375,710 0 240
Lord of the Rings 23,052,680 13 75
Fish Tales 19,068,650 0 96
Family Guy 10,084,870 0 197
Point Total 13 97

Entry (C) #3478
Game Score Points Rank
Theatre of Magic 0 0 266
Sopranos 27,185,250 21 67
Lord of the Rings 10,697,550 0 130
Fish Tales 129,950,380 83 5
Family Guy 13,291,470 0 161
Point Total 104 53

Entry (C) #3479
Game Score Points Rank
Theatre of Magic 546,571,270 41 47
Sopranos 84,132,070 76 12
Lord of the Rings 9,998,480 0 138
Fish Tales 17,194,950 0 101
Family Guy 30,568,070 0 90
Point Total 117 49