A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Gerald Marquez (#300)

Best Entry (C) #3226
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 611,126,900 17 71
Theatre of Magic 71,150,110 0 250
Sopranos 8,657,560 0 179
Indiana Jones 131,486,830 36 52
Family Guy 80,065,280 76 12
Point Total 129 43

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3197
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 68,048,190 0 203
Theatre of Magic 216,750,250 0 149
Sopranos 18,562,400 0 100
Indiana Jones 27,949,770 0 155
Family Guy 18,388,390 0 136
Point Total 0 98

Entry (C) #3246
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 447,889,630 0 101
Theatre of Magic 62,800,280 0 256
Sopranos 9,542,280 0 166
Indiana Jones 100,751,530 19 69
Family Guy 9,279,720 0 203
Point Total 19 93

Entry (C) #3247
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 420,988,220 0 114
Theatre of Magic 316,500,300 0 103
Sopranos 9,349,420 0 170
Indiana Jones 8,692,220 0 211
Family Guy 25,613,320 0 103
Point Total 0 98

Entry (C) #3380
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 629,104,120 19 69
Theatre of Magic 90,875,780 0 237
Sopranos 9,058,890 0 172
Guns n Roses 259,907,260 0 119
Family Guy 40,491,280 29 59
Point Total 48 78

Entry (C) #3487
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 334,469,600 0 141
Theatre of Magic 527,808,470 38 50
Sopranos 6,715,300 0 205
Guns n Roses 370,214,930 25 63
Family Guy 12,610,080 0 165
Point Total 63 72

Entry (C) #3488
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 981,305,950 56 32
Theatre of Magic 73,120,640 0 248
Sopranos 5,757,380 0 217
Guns n Roses 375,506,930 28 60
Indiana Jones 44,797,520 0 125
Point Total 84 61