A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Pete Hendricks (#256)

Best Entry (C) #3508
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 2,303,101,470 84 4
Theatre of Magic 311,865,760 0 107
Guns n Roses 336,575,400 11 77
Lord of the Rings 50,160,420 71 17
Family Guy 27,542,290 0 98
Point Total 166 33

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3049
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 610,860,060 16 72
Party Zone 3,418,830 0 118
Theatre of Magic 251,450,030 0 133
Guns n Roses 257,116,070 0 121
Family Guy 26,770,450 0 101
Point Total 16 95

Entry (C) #3070
Game Score Points Rank
Family Guy 112,988,930 85 3
Guns n Roses 305,753,950 0 94
Sopranos 19,206,600 0 97
Theatre of Magic 420,965,740 12 76
No Fear 329,781,840 0 143
Point Total 97 54

Entry (C) #3248
Game Score Points Rank
Family Guy 0 0 262
Sopranos 10,768,950 0 158
Theatre of Magic 146,630,900 0 189
No Fear 506,902,760 0 91
Party Zone 5,406,330 0 91
Point Total 0 98

Entry (C) #3257
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 151,944,570 0 190
Party Zone 6,815,400 10 78
Theatre of Magic 495,681,210 33 55
Sopranos 16,800,040 0 116
Lord of the Rings 31,784,180 37 51
Point Total 80 61

Entry (C) #3269
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 934,600,400 54 34
Party Zone 4,975,500 0 97
Theatre of Magic 174,076,000 0 170
Sopranos 45,235,920 49 39
Guns n Roses 320,864,810 3 85
Point Total 106 53

Entry (C) #3295
Game Score Points Rank
Family Guy 6,359,750 0 231
Sopranos 35,722,250 40 48
Theatre of Magic 360,261,720 0 93
No Fear 760,633,680 40 48
Guns n Roses 771,446,280 81 7
Point Total 161 34

Entry (C) #3422
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 679,003,680 26 62
Theatre of Magic 124,151,400 0 208
Sopranos 0 0 256
Guns n Roses 137,878,110 0 196
Fish Tales 9,523,300 0 145
Point Total 26 89

Entry (C) #3453
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 422,331,820 0 113
Theatre of Magic 435,351,860 19 69
Sopranos 28,226,020 25 63
Guns n Roses 269,438,260 0 116
Lord of the Rings 70,440,140 80 8
Point Total 124 47

Entry (C) #3469
Game Score Points Rank
Theatre of Magic 660,801,790 57 31
Sopranos 3,724,410 0 245
Guns n Roses 170,657,980 0 174
Lord of the Rings 17,017,750 0 96
Family Guy 53,589,270 52 36
Point Total 109 50

Entry (C) #3507
Game Score Points Rank
Lord of the Rings 4,913,160 0 221
Indiana Jones 23,640,430 0 168
Guns n Roses 303,254,260 0 95
Theatre of Magic 195,275,860 0 158
No Fear 2,277,693,320 83 5
Point Total 83 61