A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Doug Polka (#240)

Best Entry (C) #3015
Game Score Points Rank
Theatre of Magic 783,286,820 70 18
Guns n Roses 370,934,100 26 62
Indiana Jones 20,936,550 0 178
Lord of the Rings 8,275,780 0 156
Family Guy 10,751,920 0 186
Point Total 96 54

Best Entry (Classics I) #4090
Game Score Points Rank
Space Invaders 27,600 0 91
Fire Power 45,500 12 76
Silver Ball 134,840 8 80
Target Pool 1,640 27 61
Point Total 47 83

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3175
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 235,233,680 0 169
Party Zone 8,634,710 22 66
Theatre of Magic 683,928,990 65 23
Fish Tales 4,112,680 0 200
Family Guy 19,158,340 0 132
Point Total 87 59

Entry (C) #3387
Game Score Points Rank
Family Guy 34,414,910 12 76
Lord of the Rings 6,891,660 0 177
Guns n Roses 250,813,350 0 123
Theatre of Magic 618,897,000 52 36
Party Zone 3,088,460 0 122
Point Total 64 72