A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Greg Gessner (#236)

Best Entry (C) #3129
Game Score Points Rank
Guns n Roses 529,424,920 59 29
Sopranos 4,936,040 0 229
Theatre of Magic 434,986,200 18 70
Party Zone 1,134,900 0 159
No Fear 400,526,410 0 120
Point Total 77 61

Best Entry (Classics I) #4187
Game Score Points Rank
Argosy 304,220 21 67
Scuba 965 6 82
Centigrade 37 47,270 25 63
Target Pool 936 0 89
Point Total 52 81

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3011
Game Score Points Rank
Guns n Roses 172,774,100 0 173
Theatre of Magic 147,016,980 0 188
Family Guy 10,507,530 0 189
Sopranos 5,596,780 0 218
Lord of the Rings 3,660,980 0 242
Point Total 0 98

Entry (C) #3036
Game Score Points Rank
Guns n Roses 332,827,280 8 80
Sopranos 21,326,060 3 85
No Fear 548,740,950 7 81
Family Guy 27,292,670 0 100
Theatre of Magic 293,471,150 0 117
Point Total 18 93

Entry (C) #3063
Game Score Points Rank
Guns n Roses 155,322,840 0 182
Sopranos 6,725,800 0 204
Theatre of Magic 317,250,350 0 102
Party Zone 10,338,110 32 56
No Fear 375,446,840 0 125
Point Total 32 84

Entry (C) #3119
Game Score Points Rank
Guns n Roses 214,827,700 0 147
No Fear 302,390,060 0 154
Party Zone 954,140 0 160
Theatre of Magic 116,025,750 0 215
Sopranos 17,697,750 0 107
Point Total 0 98