A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Ed Williams (#205)

Best Entry (C) #3498
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 236,456,380 0 167
Party Zone 23,874,620 71 17
Sopranos 107,210,500 83 5
Guns n Roses 303,024,750 0 96
Fish Tales 97,021,480 75 13
Point Total 229 16

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3079
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 1,132,404,890 64 24
Party Zone 7,245,740 15 73
Theatre of Magic 138,050,450 0 197
Sopranos 17,126,270 0 112
Lord of the Rings 4,970,760 0 219
Point Total 79 61

Entry (C) #3090
Game Score Points Rank
Lord of the Rings 8,754,420 0 154
Sopranos 8,540,660 0 181
Theatre of Magic 134,000,160 0 201
Party Zone 2,295,830 0 138
No Fear 223,428,220 0 172
Point Total 0 98

Entry (C) #3176
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 358,805,030 0 128
Party Zone 19,506,730 63 25
Theatre of Magic 512,531,930 35 53
Sopranos 6,281,100 0 211
Lord of the Rings 10,347,930 0 136
Point Total 98 54

Entry (C) #3258
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 424,255,950 0 110
Party Zone 17,562,620 57 31
Theatre of Magic 113,725,930 0 219
Sopranos 86,324,800 77 11
Fish Tales 39,519,880 40 48
Point Total 174 31

Entry (C) #3325
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 848,849,940 45 43
Party Zone 65,047,770 100 1
Sopranos 2,410,700 0 250
Lord of the Rings 25,706,070 23 65
Fish Tales 3,238,900 0 211
Point Total 168 33

Entry (C) #3346
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 477,249,600 0 94
Party Zone 5,897,500 2 86
Sopranos 4,694,920 0 234
Lord of the Rings 9,370,420 0 146
Fish Tales 53,794,070 57 31
Point Total 59 73

Entry (C) #3480
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 339,335,520 0 138
Party Zone 31,979,800 76 12
Sopranos 9,916,240 0 165
Guns n Roses 195,701,190 0 161
Fish Tales 8,949,890 0 148
Point Total 76 62