A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Leonard J. Sexton Jr. (#199)

Best Entry (C) #3006
Game Score Points Rank
No Fear 998,953,770 57 31
Theatre of Magic 825,900,550 72 16
Guns n Roses 301,368,350 0 100
Indiana Jones 254,798,530 72 16
Lord of the Rings 14,350,650 0 108
Point Total 201 22

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3352
Game Score Points Rank
Party Zone 1,240,480 0 156
Guns n Roses 778,257,570 82 6
Lord of the Rings 10,660,050 0 131
Fish Tales 90,721,540 74 14
Indiana Jones 18,402,100 0 186
Point Total 156 34