State Games of Michigan 2016
Main Classics Thursday Daily Friday Daily

Player Name: Alex Hillard (#327)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Elvis 57,752,560 92 6 4
Shrek 17,726,320 88 10 2
The Walking Dead 77,780,770 87 11 2
Embryon 168,260 80 18 1
Whirlwind 2,414,120 78 20 3
Best 5 Game Point Total: 425 13
Games not included
Corvette 338,283,220 77 21 1

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Boomerang 84,510 86 12 3
Flash Gordon 303,600 77 21 2
Blackout 182,760 72 26 2
Best 3 Game Point Total: 235 18

Division: Friday Daily
Game Score Points Rank Played
Friday Mystic 148,030 84 14 2
Friday Tri Zone 63,270 76 22 1
Best 2 Game Point Total: 160 14