Magfest 2020

Player Name: Paul Caras (#184)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Demo Man 2,048,864,400 93 4 2
Bride of Pinbot 2.0 34,487,520 93 4 7
Black Knight SOR 127,686,330 84 13 6
Deadpool 320,539,050 77 20 13
Flash 345,250 76 21 13
Flight 2000 1,128,640 72 25 4
Best 6 Game Point Total: 495 19
Games not included
No Fear 896,879,320 71 26 14
King of Diamonds 1,843 61 36 13
Space Station 1,678,380 56 41 4
Earthshaker 3,355,580 51 46 8