Magfest 2020

Player Name: Anna Wolk (#182)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Black Knight SOR 224,356,590 94 3 3
King of Diamonds 2,453 87 10 6
Bride of Pinbot 2.0 17,030,190 75 22 2
Earthshaker 5,003,130 70 27 4
Deadpool 190,907,020 67 30 3
Demo Man 553,323,140 58 39 6
Best 6 Game Point Total: 451 31
Games not included
Flash 215,050 55 42 14
Flight 2000 580,880 51 46 4
No Fear 547,510,280 50 47 7
Space Station 1,308,190 45 52 8