Magfest 2020 A Division Finals: First Round

First Round Group #1 Demo Man Deadpool King of Diamonds Total Result
9 Andrew Pancoast P2 910,885,870 4 P2 499,129,780 4 P3 1,193 1 9 Advanced
16 Maya Nigrosh P4 537,967,200 1 P4 44,306,490 0 P1 1,240 2 3 Out
17 Brian Bower P3 283,385,680 0 P1 58,188,950 2 P2 1,526 4 6 Advanced
24 Victor Scelba P1 617,284,050 2 P3 54,524,990 1 P4 984 0 3 Out

First Round Group #2 Flash Swords of Rage Space Station Total Result
10 Daniel Purdy P1 98,240 4 P1 4,587,320 0 P4 2,129,780 2 6 Tie
15 Mike Pantino P4 40,490 0 P4 5,352,260 2 P2 605,600 0 2 Out
18 Jared Schmidt P3 91,070 2 P2 4,711,150 1 P3 2,484,920 4 7 Advanced
23 Bryan Henson P2 84,130 1 P3 9,965,260 4 P1 1,923,130 1 6 Tie

Group #2 Tiebreaker Deadpool Result
10 Daniel Purdy P2 110,030,730 1st Advanced
23 Bryan Henson P1 25,166,880 2nd Out

First Round Group #3 Deadpool Space Station No Fear Total Result
11 Alex Jeffrey P1 92,160,810 2 P2 434,010 0 P1 333,693,600 1 3 Out
14 Kevin Kuntz P4 153,257,900 4 P1 585,060 1 P4 743,834,170 4 9 Advanced
19 Paul Caras P3 32,548,630 0 P4 922,610 4 P2 653,672,360 2 6 Advanced
22 Howard Dobson P2 68,302,760 1 P3 722,140 2 P3 272,414,570 0 3 Out

First Round Group #4 Swords of Rage King of Diamonds Demo Man Total Result
12 James Proffitt P1 13,969,820 1 P4 1,204 2 P2 465,009,170 4 7 Advanced
13 Jose Chong P4 4,398,480 0 P1 1,268 4 P1 370,739,820 2 6 Tie
20 Ryan Altemose P3 63,812,890 4 P2 1,089 1 P3 242,177,860 1 6 Tie
21 Stephanie Traub P2 33,956,490 2 P3 936 0 P4 68,467,050 0 2 Out

Group #4 Tiebreaker Bride of Pinbot 2.0 Result
13 Jose Chong P2 1,840,240 2nd Out
20 Ryan Altemose P1 4,206,350 1st Advanced

Magfest 2020 A Division Finals: Quarterfinals

Quarterfinals Group #1 Deadpool Space Station No Fear Total Result
1 Levi Nayman P2 159,010,850 2 P3 3,123,710 4 P3 531,790,120 2 8 Advanced
8 Fil Baird P4 49,036,950 1 P1 1,917,960 1 P4 517,675,980 1 3 Out
9 Andrew Pancoast P1 690,718,880 4 P2 2,246,440 2 P2 1,349,165,670 4 10 Advanced
20 Ryan Altemose P3 28,861,290 0 P4 462,890 0 P1 391,266,410 0 0 Out

Quarterfinals Group #2 Demo Man Deadpool King of Diamonds Total Result
2 Ed Zeltmann P1 832,390,840 2 P2 37,025,120 1 P3 1,728 4 7 Advanced
7 Greg Poverelli P4 736,748,180 1 P3 2,695,510 0 P4 879 0 1 Out
10 Daniel Purdy P3 943,551,210 4 P1 131,123,170 2 P1 1,569 2 8 Advanced
19 Paul Caras P2 191,417,450 0 P4 171,195,300 4 P2 905 1 5 Out

Quarterfinals Group #3 Swords of Rage King of Diamonds Demo Man Total Result
3 Elliott Keith P1 32,700,920 0 P4 2,091 4 P2 2,219,460,200 4 8 Advanced
6 Tim Tournay P4 37,662,360 2 P2 1,696 2 P3 240,388,870 2 6 Advanced
12 James Proffitt P3 48,479,610 4 P1 1,127 0 P1 55,083,740 0 4 Out
18 Jared Schmidt P2 35,621,270 1 P3 1,521 1 P4 233,412,760 1 3 Out

Quarterfinals Group #4 No Fear Bride of Pinbot 2.0 Flash Total Result
4 CJ Smith P2 433,948,770 1 P4 6,854,500 0 P4 29,000 1 2 Out
5 Justin Bath P4 277,719,170 0 P1 21,285,990 2 P3 137,730 4 6 Advanced
14 Kevin Kuntz P3 672,078,220 4 P2 22,382,070 4 P2 24,340 0 8 Advanced
17 Brian Bower P1 521,514,060 2 P3 11,218,700 1 P1 71,970 2 5 Out

Magfest 2020 A Division Finals: Semifinals

Semifinals Group #1 Swords of Rage King of Diamonds Demo Man Total Result
1 Levi Nayman P1 199,856,540 4 P2 2,125 4 P2 262,037,840 0 8 Advanced
5 Justin Bath P4 63,477,390 1 P4 1,111 2 P3 647,110,210 1 4 Out
6 Tim Tournay P3 55,649,060 0 P1 658 1 P1 930,164,830 2 3 Out
14 Kevin Kuntz P2 75,361,460 2 P3 368 0 P4 1,085,639,430 4 6 Advanced

Semifinals Group #2 Deadpool Space Station No Fear Total Result
2 Ed Zeltmann P2 1,506,484,420 4 P1 2,076,490 2 P4 1,422,501,930 2 8 Advanced
3 Elliott Keith P4 151,885,920 0 P2 858,330 1 P3 1,594,236,680 4 5 Tie
9 Andrew Pancoast P1 513,043,960 2 P3 690,590 0 P1 927,757,050 1 3 Out
10 Daniel Purdy P3 238,331,820 1 P4 2,421,900 4 P2 256,315,490 0 5 Tie

Group #2 Tiebreaker Flash Result
3 Elliott Keith P2 107,320 2nd Out
10 Daniel Purdy P1 174,140 1st Advanced

Magfest 2020 A Division Finals: Finals

Finals Group #1 Flash Swords of Rage Space Station Total Result
1 Levi Nayman P1 26,670 0 P4 156,170,200 4 P1 1,411,400 2 6 2nd
2 Ed Zeltmann P4 138,810 4 P1 83,146,230 1 P3 1,734,460 4 9 1st
10 Daniel Purdy P3 64,450 1 P3 108,653,720 2 P2 831,180 0 3 Tie
14 Kevin Kuntz P2 80,140 2 P2 44,772,290 0 P4 930,230 1 3 Tie

Group #1 Tiebreaker Deadpool Result
10 Daniel Purdy P2 2 1st 3rd
14 Kevin Kuntz P1 1 2nd 4th