Magfest 2017

Player Name: Anthony Wojtkowiak (#109)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Whirlwind 3,606,980 39 49 4
Quicksilver 416,750 36 52 5
Tales of the Arabian Nights 3,037,490 31 57 5
Paragon 98,800 28 60 14
Tron 13,218,880 26 62 3
Funhouse 2,780,440 25 63 9
Flash Gordon 300,260 18 70 9
Best 7 Game Point Total: 203 66
Games not included
Monster Bash 6,978,580 16 72 7
The Rolling Stones 2,850,870 8 80 1
Mustang 12,609,970 7 81 9