The Open Classics High Stakes Womens

Player Name: Nate Grant (#434)

Best Entry (The Open) #3379
Game Score Points Rank
Jaws Pro 387,372,950 165 28
Cirqus Voltaire 40,268,010 179 14
Tee'd Off 569,579,560 153 40
Jurassic Park LW 12,423,040 161 32
Godzilla (Sega) 96,401,640 116 77
Point Total 774 29

Best Entry (Classics) #1447
Game Score Points Rank
Robo-War 3,935,690 184 9
Centaur 676,650 145 48
Lady Luck 206,630 40 153
Harlem Globetrotters 36,460 0 247
Alien Star 1,053,940 154 39
Point Total 523 158

Other Submitted Entries for The Open

Entry (The Open) #1442
Game Score Points Rank
Jaws Pro 39,920,880 0 218
Jackbot 1,517,528,080 92 101
Godzilla (Sega) 115,361,450 136 57
Bow and Arrow 51,810 0 308
Stars 38,930 0 378
Point Total 228 267

Entry (The Open) #1443 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Jaws Pro 280,852,740 150 43
Cirqus Voltaire 160,873,810 200 1
Jackbot 739,257,220 36 157
Elton John 1,619,350 0 286
Godzilla (Sega) 78,845,280 94 99
Point Total 480 127

Entry (The Open) #1444
Game Score Points Rank
Johnny Mnemonic 678,525,910 40 153
Jurassic Park LW 6,269,250 108 85
Godzilla (Sega) 134,856,000 147 46
Guardians 101,854,500 111 82
Grand Lizard 310,630 24 169
Point Total 430 150

Entry (The Open) #1445 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Jaws Pro 695,801,460 184 9
Cirqus Voltaire 4,447,370 0 244
Guardians 20,534,360 5 188
Jackbot 1,458,219,070 86 107
Tee'd Off 112,030,910 96 97
Point Total 371 184

Entry (The Open) #3380
Game Score Points Rank
Deadly Weapon 6,213,510 93 100
Cyclone 1,911,650 143 50
Escape From the Lost World 2,079,030 129 64
Labyrinth 2,084,570 0 229
Time Fantasy 358,850 112 81
Point Total 477 127

Entry (The Open) #3381 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Jaws Pro 139,614,540 75 118
Point Total 75 343

Entry (The Open) #3382
Game Score Points Rank
Jaws Pro 586,334,920 181 12
Cirqus Voltaire 27,004,350 161 32
Godzilla (Sega) 14,727,410 0 265
Point Total 342 205

Other Submitted Entries for Classics

Entry (Classics) #1446
Game Score Points Rank
Robo-War 1,108,080 118 75
Lady Luck 596,010 149 44
Centaur 645,340 142 51
Trident 61,990 0 232
Harlem Globetrotters 141,880 59 134
Point Total 468 209

Entry (Classics) #1448
Game Score Points Rank
Robo-War 1,141,200 125 68
Centaur 608,220 135 58
Lady Luck 306,530 84 109
Alien Star 285,170 61 132
Harlem Globetrotters 209,750 104 89
Point Total 509 165

Entry (Classics) #1449
Game Score Points Rank
Robo-War 319,120 0 205
Point Total 0 344