The Open Classics High Stakes Womens

Player Name: Dalton Ely (#429)

Best Entry (The Open) #1251
Game Score Points Rank
Cirqus Voltaire 51,456,640 185 8
Johnny Mnemonic 1,623,649,810 108 85
Bow and Arrow 128,690 129 64
Jurassic Park LW 15,300,730 175 18
Elton John 273,974,100 186 7
Point Total 783 27

Best Entry (Classics) #1252
Game Score Points Rank
Victory 2,812,130 120 73
Robo-War 1,575,780 151 42
Trident 1,031,870 195 2
Seawitch 1,701,480 188 5
Alien Star 850,770 140 53
Point Total 794 12

Best Entry (High Stakes) #5265
Game Score Points Rank
Iron Maiden Prem 721,762,510 187 6
Mystery Castle 1,154,043,150 184 9
Game of Thrones 2,068,424,770 182 11
Creature FTBL 405,046,430 188 5
Point Total 741 4

Other Submitted Entries for The Open

Entry (The Open) #1248
Game Score Points Rank
Cirqus Voltaire 42,741,210 183 10
Johnny Mnemonic 5,568,128,450 177 16
Bow and Arrow 130,560 136 57
Elton John 81,968,500 163 30
Jackbot 1,760,135,810 107 86
Point Total 766 30

Entry (The Open) #1249
Game Score Points Rank
Jurassic Park LW 11,378,930 156 37
Deadly Weapon 7,441,120 104 89
Bone Busters 905,450 0 202
Godzilla (Sega) 126,375,030 144 49
Time Fantasy 561,220 147 46
Point Total 551 104

Entry (The Open) #1250
Game Score Points Rank
Johnny Mnemonic 2,692,633,410 153 40
Stars 125,960 16 177
Grand Lizard 1,201,500 166 27
Escape From the Lost World 2,792,110 151 42
Kingpin 354,922,360 75 118
Point Total 561 100

Other Submitted Entries for Classics

Entry (Classics) #1253
Game Score Points Rank
Blue Chip 746,050 175 18
Big Game 200,440 41 152
Alien Star 430,920 97 96
Harlem Globetrotters 233,400 115 78
Trident 192,190 72 121
Point Total 500 177

Entry (Classics) #1254
Game Score Points Rank
Alien Star 885,920 142 51
Nine Ball 347,050 98 95
Robo-War 467,150 34 159
Centaur 261,220 40 153
Point Total 314 289

Other Submitted Entries for High Stakes

Entry (High Stakes) #2400
Game Score Points Rank
Mystery Castle 705,315,030 181 12
Game of Thrones 515,023,500 162 31
High Speed 1,933,790 173 20
Creature FTBL 73,570,330 159 34
Point Total 675 11

Entry (High Stakes) #2401
Game Score Points Rank
Iron Maiden Prem 268,471,750 167 26
Mystery Castle 292,939,020 170 23
High Speed 2,570,860 178 15
Creature FTBL 284,037,120 183 10
Point Total 698 10

Entry (High Stakes) #2402
Game Score Points Rank
Iron Maiden Prem 427,150,100 176 17
Creature FTBL 43,662,780 146 47
Mystery Castle 325,084,320 173 20
Game of Thrones 873,271,240 168 25
Point Total 663 14

Entry (High Stakes) #2403
Game Score Points Rank
High Speed 2,905,440 181 12
Game of Thrones 2,595,442,810 185 8
Mystery Castle 1,045,322,890 183 10
Iron Maiden Prem 256,265,200 166 27
Point Total 715 8

Entry (High Stakes) #2404
Game Score Points Rank
Iron Maiden Prem 479,449,970 180 13
High Speed 8,025,750 195 2
Game of Thrones 1,065,653,560 170 23
Mystery Castle 305,515,450 171 22
Point Total 716 8

Entry (High Stakes) #5264
Game Score Points Rank
Mystery Castle 1,195,274,430 186 7
High Speed 150,590 141 52
Game of Thrones 1,438,615,520 174 19
Iron Maiden Prem 366,710,320 170 23
Point Total 671 13