The Open Classics High Stakes Womens

Player Name: Paul Englert (#403)

Best Entry (The Open) #1648
Game Score Points Rank
Tee'd Off 266,521,340 120 73
Jurassic Park LW 8,481,660 130 63
Deadly Weapon 28,806,360 183 10
Cirqus Voltaire 100,781,000 200 1
Jaws Pro 151,769,910 90 103
Point Total 723 42

Best Entry (Classics) #1653
Game Score Points Rank
Centaur 432,670 101 92
Lady Luck 1,481,310 178 15
Seawitch 115,660 0 218
Alien Star 150,130 31 162
Lucky Hand 129,120 145 48
Point Total 455 217

Best Entry (High Stakes) #5329
Game Score Points Rank
Game of Thrones 2,918,877,960 188 5
Mystery Castle 492,731,160 179 14
Iron Maiden Prem 456,777,310 179 14
Creature FTBL 281,360,190 182 11
Point Total 728 6

Other Submitted Entries for The Open

Entry (The Open) #1646 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Deadly Weapon 41,392,470 187 6
Jurassic Park LW 5,806,750 101 92
Cirqus Voltaire 20,282,680 136 57
Labyrinth 2,526,950 0 207
Elton John 6,661,450 0 214
Point Total 424 153

Entry (The Open) #1647 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Guardians 27,441,760 28 165
Grand Lizard 168,440 0 263
Escape From the Lost World 788,080 0 232
Jurassic Park LW 7,598,250 121 72
Point Total 149 314

Entry (The Open) #1649 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Xenon 629,900 165 28
Jurassic Park LW 4,307,860 76 117
Point Total 241 255

Entry (The Open) #2518 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Jurassic Park LW 20,010,930 185 8
Point Total 185 291

Entry (The Open) #2519 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Xenon 1,376,800 189 4
Cirqus Voltaire 30,584,660 167 26
Tee'd Off 421,487,570 138 55
Jurassic Park LW 14,152,370 170 23
Point Total 664 60

Entry (The Open) #3488 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Xenon 53,920 0 321
Point Total 0 364

Entry (The Open) #3489 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Jurassic Park LW 19,630,180 185 8
Cirqus Voltaire 29,805,160 167 26
Deadly Weapon 3,061,150 49 144
Escape From the Lost World 2,201,510 137 56
Point Total 538 107

Entry (The Open) #4397 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Elton John 19,434,960 87 106
Point Total 87 340

Entry (The Open) #4398 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Guardians 205,598,470 153 40
Point Total 153 309

Entry (The Open) #4399 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Xenon 307,730 98 95
Bone Busters 4,290,780 151 42
Jurassic Park LW 13,467,320 169 24
Grand Lizard 502,450 88 105
Point Total 506 124

Entry (The Open) #4400 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Xenon 599,150 161 32
Point Total 161 303

Entry (The Open) #4401 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Elton John 246,909,700 185 8
Jurassic Park LW 8,913,480 134 59
Point Total 319 219

Entry (The Open) #4966 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Xenon 250,810 71 122
Point Total 71 345

Entry (The Open) #4967 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Xenon 1,211,200 189 4
Point Total 189 288

Entry (The Open) #5149
Game Score Points Rank
Jurassic Park LW 25,686,780 190 3
Guardians 254,730,040 171 22
Elton John 56,804,100 153 40
Deadly Weapon 37,755,170 187 6
Jaws Pro 55,353,310 0 202
Point Total 701 52

Entry (The Open) #5150
Game Score Points Rank
Cyclone 1,368,490 113 80
Godzilla (Sega) 97,933,140 117 76
Bone Busters 552,420 0 256
Grand Lizard 1,761,640 186 7
Jurassic Park LW 5,172,770 92 101
Point Total 508 124

Other Submitted Entries for Classics

Entry (Classics) #1650 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Robo-War 316,060 0 205
Point Total 0 344

Entry (Classics) #1651 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Centaur 623,230 139 54
Point Total 139 339

Other Submitted Entries for High Stakes

Entry (High Stakes) #807 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Mystery Castle 2,365,129,840 200 1
Game of Thrones 1,337,592,450 173 20
Creature FTBL 77,721,260 159 34
Point Total 532 20

Entry (High Stakes) #808 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Iron Maiden Prem 246,864,660 165 28
Creature FTBL 223,008,110 176 17
High Speed 232,700 142 51
Point Total 483 20

Entry (High Stakes) #810
Game Score Points Rank
Game of Thrones 580,551,760 164 29
Iron Maiden Prem 51,299,320 144 49
Creature FTBL 604,317,160 195 2
Mystery Castle 577,135,560 180 13
Point Total 683 10

Entry (High Stakes) #811
Game Score Points Rank
Game of Thrones 443,042,130 159 34
Iron Maiden Prem 740,020,770 188 5
Creature FTBL 174,401,120 173 20
Mystery Castle 252,715,750 165 28
Point Total 685 10

Entry (High Stakes) #5330
Game Score Points Rank
Iron Maiden Prem 443,037,070 177 16
Creature FTBL 17,201,340 136 57
High Speed 1,486,640 167 26
Game of Thrones 1,794,007,500 179 14
Point Total 659 14