The Open Classics High Stakes Womens

Player Name: Emily Cosson (#401)

Best Entry (The Open) #4719
Game Score Points Rank
Labyrinth 17,622,400 160 33
Cirqus Voltaire 10,902,830 85 108
Stars 157,050 61 132
Time Fantasy 549,450 145 48
Guardians 108,048,400 115 78
Point Total 566 98

Best Entry (Classics) #1211
Game Score Points Rank
Trident 115,690 5 188
Seawitch 263,320 34 159
Nine Ball 182,300 14 179
Harlem Globetrotters 551,530 173 20
Abra Ca Dabra 108,020 195 2
Point Total 421 240

Best Entry (Womens) #4094
Game Score Points Rank
Total Nuclear Annihilation 894,021 185 8
Twister 319,172,170 121 72
Argosy 406,320 102 91
Hoops! 1,576,390 123 70
Congo 448,324,830 142 51
Point Total 673 22

Other Submitted Entries for The Open

Entry (The Open) #1207
Game Score Points Rank
Labyrinth 1,813,390 0 246
Grand Lizard 98,200 0 328
Cirqus Voltaire 5,395,700 0 217
Stars 126,480 20 173
Time Fantasy 119,270 0 252
Point Total 20 362

Entry (The Open) #1208 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Galactic Tank Force 12,290,010 0 280
Cyclone 386,380 0 316
Elton John 5,405,680 0 229
Bone Busters 426,090 0 288
Godzilla (Sega) 13,884,100 0 268
Point Total 0 364

Entry (The Open) #1209
Game Score Points Rank
Cirqus Voltaire 20,991,990 141 52
Labyrinth 4,439,870 36 157
Time Fantasy 234,500 57 136
Elton John 4,744,700 0 235
Guardians 54,440,750 70 123
Point Total 304 220

Entry (The Open) #3079 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Bow and Arrow 42,980 0 346
Point Total 0 364

Entry (The Open) #3080 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Cirqus Voltaire 11,531,720 88 105
Labyrinth 8,432,970 104 89
Bone Busters 356,210 0 307
Point Total 192 288

Entry (The Open) #3397 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Labyrinth 4,047,450 28 165
Point Total 28 362

Entry (The Open) #4720 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Cyclone 323,170 0 343
Escape From the Lost World 828,910 0 222
Xenon 74,780 0 298
Point Total 0 364

Other Submitted Entries for Classics

Entry (Classics) #1212 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Harlem Globetrotters 173,010 81 112
Seawitch 473,480 98 95
Abra Ca Dabra 23,890 14 179
Point Total 193 330

Entry (Classics) #4721
Game Score Points Rank
Abra Ca Dabra 40,300 102 91
El Dorado City of Gold 307,460 131 62
Seawitch 110,220 0 222
Point Total 233 320

Other Submitted Entries for Womens

Entry (Womens) #1213
Game Score Points Rank
Lord of the Rings 5,887,890 106 87
Paragon 55,740 96 97
Argosy 384,640 90 103
Total Nuclear Annihilation 376,561 138 55
Hoops! 3,172,420 165 28
Point Total 595 37

Entry (Womens) #1214
Game Score Points Rank
Lord of the Rings 8,143,490 135 58
Congo 621,542,570 169 24
Hoops! 2,390,600 150 43
Argosy 282,440 44 149
Total Nuclear Annihilation 636,671 174 19
Point Total 672 23

Entry (Womens) #3118 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Hoops! 989,860 75 118
Twister 727,555,800 176 17
Total Nuclear Annihilation 444,180 160 33
Rush 2,274,930 33 160
Point Total 444 63

Entry (Womens) #3370 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Congo 157,616,830 66 127
Point Total 66 69

Entry (Womens) #3371 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Twister 130,939,340 19 174
Point Total 19 69

Entry (Womens) #3458 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Hoops! 742,300 55 138
Point Total 55 69

Entry (Womens) #3459 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Twister 188,241,970 54 139
Total Nuclear Annihilation 871,731 184 9
Lord of the Rings 8,846,580 136 57
Point Total 374 66

Entry (Womens) #3806
Game Score Points Rank
Total Nuclear Annihilation 382,691 141 52
Argosy 336,500 72 121
Lord of the Rings 3,311,850 73 120
Twister 309,898,470 114 79
Paragon 51,320 83 110
Point Total 483 52

Entry (Womens) #3807 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Congo 423,948,010 140 53
Total Nuclear Annihilation 701,021 179 14
Twister 286,069,680 106 87
Argosy 336,910 72 121
Point Total 497 52

Entry (Womens) #4056 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Congo 498,440,130 149 44
Total Nuclear Annihilation 535,861 168 25
Lord of the Rings 3,931,540 81 112
Point Total 398 66