The Open Classics High Stakes Womens

Player Name: Megan Weir (#377)

Best Entry (The Open) #1524
Game Score Points Rank
Grand Lizard 170,020 0 261
Stars 142,410 38 155
Bow and Arrow 46,430 0 333
Xenon 337,180 108 85
Cyclone 199,140 0 393
Point Total 146 315

Best Entry (Classics) #2888
Game Score Points Rank
Xs & Os 214,950 34 159
Dixieland 4,167 160 33
Harlem Globetrotters 112,970 21 172
Nine Ball 222,400 38 155
Trident 215,130 89 104
Point Total 342 281

Best Entry (Womens) #2168
Game Score Points Rank
Hoops! 1,474,450 113 80
Rush 23,561,300 137 56
Twister 241,339,470 81 112
Lord of the Rings 4,986,350 95 98
Argosy 481,910 142 51
Point Total 568 43

Other Submitted Entries for The Open

Entry (The Open) #1525
Game Score Points Rank
Time Fantasy 205,430 31 162
Guardians 40,063,640 46 147
Bone Busters 1,697,180 65 128
Jaws Pro 52,973,580 0 204
Cyclone 297,110 0 353
Point Total 142 317

Entry (The Open) #1526
Game Score Points Rank
Grand Lizard 64,020 0 357
Bone Busters 358,150 0 306
Bow and Arrow 42,500 0 350
Stars 131,280 25 168
Xenon 73,000 0 299
Point Total 25 362

Entry (The Open) #1527
Game Score Points Rank
Cyclone 295,220 0 354
Time Fantasy 48,070 0 344
Xenon 168,560 6 187
Jurassic Park LW 1,622,540 14 179
Tee'd Off 49,934,460 51 142
Point Total 71 345

Other Submitted Entries for Classics

Entry (Classics) #2889
Game Score Points Rank
Abra Ca Dabra 30,550 57 136
OXO 47,330 45 148
Lucky Hand 98,390 99 94
Centaur 530,240 121 72
Seawitch 146,670 0 199
Point Total 322 287

Entry (Classics) #4143
Game Score Points Rank
Centaur 100,560 0 232
Lucky Hand 72,370 54 139
Monaco 292,150 4 189
Abra Ca Dabra 62,500 163 30
Dixieland 2,020 32 161
Point Total 253 318

Entry (Classics) #4144
Game Score Points Rank
Pinbot 208,630 25 168
Xs & Os 475,560 102 91
Lady Luck 437,250 121 72
Lucky Hand 33,500 0 255
Trident 73,900 0 226
Point Total 248 318

Other Submitted Entries for Womens

Entry (Womens) #1528
Game Score Points Rank
Paragon 36,220 45 148
Total Nuclear Annihilation 346,560 133 60
Rush 33,206,460 152 41
Hoops! 294,030 7 186
Lord of the Rings 5,562,250 103 90
Point Total 440 63

Entry (Womens) #1529
Game Score Points Rank
Argosy 219,920 12 181
Hoops! 1,047,490 80 113
Rush 7,776,830 74 119
Paragon 31,720 34 159
Twister 410,699,860 146 47
Point Total 346 67

Entry (Womens) #1530
Game Score Points Rank
Twister 273,246,070 100 93
Hoops! 1,488,250 115 78
Rush 9,048,360 80 113
Congo 68,077,010 28 165
Paragon 49,740 78 115
Point Total 401 66

Entry (Womens) #1531
Game Score Points Rank
Twister 405,182,590 142 51
Total Nuclear Annihilation 62,370 46 147
Argosy 413,910 107 86
Rush 3,374,270 44 149
Hoops! 2,324,220 148 45
Point Total 487 52

Entry (Womens) #2950
Game Score Points Rank
Total Nuclear Annihilation 54,660 41 152
Argosy 241,400 31 162
Rush 174,970 24 169
Paragon 17,900 0 193
Twister 149,847,260 26 167
Point Total 122 69

Entry (Womens) #2951
Game Score Points Rank
Argosy 333,170 67 126
Hoops! 427,150 22 171
Lord of the Rings 2,567,850 60 133
Total Nuclear Annihilation 33,610 27 166
Rush 619,360 26 167
Point Total 202 69

Entry (Womens) #3649
Game Score Points Rank
Twister 333,320,800 127 66
Hoops! 1,668,660 129 64
Paragon 62,230 109 84
Total Nuclear Annihilation 297,050 126 67
Rush 7,137,150 67 126
Point Total 558 45