The Open Classics High Stakes Womens

Player Name: Stacey Moritz (#360)

Best Entry (The Open) #1269
Game Score Points Rank
Stars 362,000 170 23
Jaws Pro 73,387,170 11 182
Jurassic Park LW 4,732,160 84 109
Grand Lizard 151,600 0 286
Deadly Weapon 7,593,740 106 87
Point Total 371 186

Best Entry (Classics) #1270
Game Score Points Rank
Seawitch 1,299,840 181 12
Abra Ca Dabra 46,000 114 79
Lucky Hand 56,680 10 183
Dixieland 2,284 53 140
Nine Ball 460,500 140 53
Point Total 498 178

Best Entry (Womens) #3494
Game Score Points Rank
Total Nuclear Annihilation 431,761 158 35
Lord of the Rings 9,416,640 140 53
Hoops! 3,503,810 168 25
Rush 89,369,270 184 9
Congo 298,158,560 113 80
Point Total 763 13

Other Submitted Entries for The Open

Entry (The Open) #1266
Game Score Points Rank
Stars 144,740 41 152
Bone Busters 2,317,390 98 95
Xenon 785,640 178 15
Escape From the Lost World 1,288,380 44 149
Bow and Arrow 40,790 0 361
Point Total 361 191

Entry (The Open) #1267
Game Score Points Rank
Time Fantasy 124,160 0 245
Grand Lizard 111,770 0 316
Cyclone 364,350 0 323
Cirqus Voltaire 9,060,710 67 126
Kingpin 327,098,740 65 128
Point Total 132 319

Entry (The Open) #1268
Game Score Points Rank
Cyclone 2,201,790 161 32
Tee'd Off 28,756,570 20 173
Bow and Arrow 70,990 0 231
Elton John 1,462,550 0 286
Galactic Tank Force 57,063,560 53 140
Point Total 234 261

Other Submitted Entries for Classics

Entry (Classics) #1271
Game Score Points Rank
Big Game 220,280 50 143
El Dorado City of Gold 187,870 72 121
Lady Luck 1,270,960 175 18
Harlem Globetrotters 40,150 0 235
Victory 1,652,520 89 104
Point Total 386 252

Other Submitted Entries for Womens

Entry (Womens) #1272
Game Score Points Rank
Lord of the Rings 4,345,290 86 107
Argosy 278,870 43 150
Total Nuclear Annihilation 289,800 123 70
Rush 9,914,880 91 102
Paragon 25,630 15 178
Point Total 358 67

Entry (Womens) #1273
Game Score Points Rank
Lord of the Rings 1,636,860 42 151
Total Nuclear Annihilation 471,561 163 30
Hoops! 2,301,460 147 46
Argosy 519,450 157 36
Twister 245,439,710 83 110
Point Total 592 38

Entry (Womens) #2170 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Paragon 36,910 46 147
Congo 343,562,950 122 71
Rush 33,709,970 154 39
Point Total 322 68

Entry (Womens) #2417
Game Score Points Rank
Congo 589,526,280 165 28
Lord of the Rings 4,914,210 94 99
Hoops! 3,599,340 169 24
Paragon 228,240 178 15
Twister 331,915,710 125 68
Point Total 731 17

Entry (Womens) #2418
Game Score Points Rank
Rush 936,900 28 165
Total Nuclear Annihilation 430,481 156 37
Paragon 86,110 136 57
Argosy 343,270 78 115
Hoops! 410,210 20 173
Point Total 418 65

Entry (Womens) #3457 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Rush 22,762,260 134 59
Argosy 323,150 58 135
Point Total 192 69

Entry (Womens) #3495 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Paragon 104,340 150 43
Argosy 361,840 82 111
Twister 211,916,960 65 128
Rush 7,204,800 68 125
Point Total 365 67

Entry (Womens) #3904
Game Score Points Rank
Twister 144,884,230 22 171
Total Nuclear Annihilation 174,190 85 108
Paragon 46,790 65 128
Rush 44,906,430 165 28
Lord of the Rings 7,242,760 126 67
Point Total 463 60