The Open Classics High Stakes Womens

Player Name: David Smith (#303)

Best Entry (The Open) #680
Game Score Points Rank
Guardians 23,793,900 21 172
Elton John 20,635,610 95 98
Johnny Mnemonic 1,795,981,800 121 72
Stars 310,600 160 33
Godzilla (Sega) 19,572,280 0 244
Point Total 397 168

Best Entry (Classics) #4822
Game Score Points Rank
Seawitch 1,005,830 165 28
Trident 265,280 113 80
Abra Ca Dabra 49,210 123 70
Centaur 260,140 40 153
Lucky Hand 71,220 51 142
Point Total 492 188

Best Entry (High Stakes) #677
Game Score Points Rank
Beat the Clock 1,425,650 184 9
Creature FTBL 98,627,490 161 32
Game of Thrones 140,106,480 148 45
Iron Maiden Prem 486,032,110 181 12
Point Total 674 11

Other Submitted Entries for The Open

Entry (The Open) #681
Game Score Points Rank
Bow and Arrow 109,310 97 96
Elton John 10,785,850 15 178
Galactic Tank Force 113,064,400 135 58
Grand Lizard 522,270 95 98
Johnny Mnemonic 511,201,300 8 185
Point Total 350 200

Entry (The Open) #3485
Game Score Points Rank
Guardians 51,093,060 63 130
Cirqus Voltaire 4,769,900 0 232
Xenon 74,130 0 298
Labyrinth 2,355,640 0 213
Galactic Tank Force 40,401,590 11 182
Point Total 74 344

Other Submitted Entries for Classics

Entry (Classics) #2582
Game Score Points Rank
Seawitch 989,660 164 29
Abra Ca Dabra 58,320 154 39
Big Game 146,210 18 175
Trident 104,650 0 197
Centaur 368,100 81 112
Point Total 417 242

Entry (Classics) #2583
Game Score Points Rank
Trident 353,820 147 46
Joker Poker 92,730 17 176
Lady Luck 301,110 83 110
Lucky Hand 69,380 49 144
Dixieland 2,200 48 145
Point Total 344 280

Entry (Classics) #3486
Game Score Points Rank
Abra Ca Dabra 31,110 61 132
Centaur 244,120 29 164
Trident 232,610 95 98
Seawitch 37,050 0 258
Victory 1,034,370 57 136
Point Total 242 320

Entry (Classics) #3749
Game Score Points Rank
Big Game 469,050 125 68
Seawitch 133,550 0 206
Robo-War 428,180 19 174
Nine Ball 708,730 176 17
Eight Ball Champ 544,820 88 105
Point Total 408 242

Other Submitted Entries for High Stakes

Entry (High Stakes) #675
Game Score Points Rank
Creature FTBL 59,225,620 152 41
Game of Thrones 243,480,610 156 37
Iron Maiden Prem 182,300,430 160 33
High Speed 214,480 142 51
Point Total 610 20

Entry (High Stakes) #676
Game Score Points Rank
Beat the Clock 768,670 175 18
Game of Thrones 80,370,350 143 50
Iron Maiden Prem 77,447,390 147 46
Mystery Castle 199,064,660 164 29
Point Total 629 20

Entry (High Stakes) #678
Game Score Points Rank
Game of Thrones 8,739,940 133 60
Iron Maiden Prem 196,909,630 163 30
Creature FTBL 197,965,670 175 18
Beat the Clock 741,900 173 20
Point Total 644 20

Entry (High Stakes) #679
Game Score Points Rank
Creature FTBL 39,247,640 144 49
Iron Maiden Prem 373,169,020 171 22
Game of Thrones 3,725,040 132 61
Beat the Clock 723,560 172 21
Point Total 619 20