The Open Classics High Stakes Womens

Player Name: Christine Varney (#302)

Best Entry (The Open) #674
Game Score Points Rank
Time Fantasy 121,280 0 249
Grand Lizard 338,910 39 154
Bow and Arrow 52,580 0 302
Stars 66,690 0 308
Escape From the Lost World 1,121,560 22 171
Point Total 61 350

Best Entry (Classics) #2020
Game Score Points Rank
Seawitch 157,310 0 195
Robo-War 285,360 0 211
Eight Ball Champ 318,710 41 152
Centaur 473,260 107 86
Alien Star 231,260 51 142
Point Total 199 328

Best Entry (Womens) #3692
Game Score Points Rank
Hoops! 2,511,420 154 39
Lord of the Rings 2,357,790 53 140
Twister 412,983,740 148 45
Argosy 320,020 56 137
Paragon 226,400 177 16
Point Total 588 40

Other Submitted Entries for The Open

Entry (The Open) #673
Game Score Points Rank
Johnny Mnemonic 269,277,470 0 244
Grand Lizard 67,820 0 353
Stars 81,750 0 274
Cirqus Voltaire 4,732,070 0 236
Kingpin 12,053,180 0 245
Point Total 0 364

Other Submitted Entries for Womens

Entry (Womens) #2021
Game Score Points Rank
Twister 249,367,000 87 106
Lord of the Rings 6,689,620 118 75
Hoops! 3,322,010 167 26
Rush 21,490,640 133 60
Congo 45,668,620 16 177
Point Total 521 51

Entry (Womens) #2022
Game Score Points Rank
Argosy 602,040 180 13
Paragon 69,720 116 77
Twister 340,541,880 129 64
Lord of the Rings 4,619,880 88 105
Total Nuclear Annihilation 127,740 69 124
Point Total 582 42

Entry (Womens) #2966
Game Score Points Rank
Rush 18,942,560 128 65
Congo 70,792,980 30 163
Hoops! 2,272,220 145 48
Lord of the Rings 14,277,200 154 39
Argosy 339,170 73 120
Point Total 530 50

Entry (Womens) #2967 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Twister 148,846,020 25 168
Total Nuclear Annihilation 64,000 46 147
Rush 11,434,150 99 94
Lord of the Rings 2,060,800 49 144
Point Total 219 69

Entry (Womens) #3691
Game Score Points Rank
Rush 2,329,520 35 158
Lord of the Rings 3,996,970 83 110
Congo 166,744,520 70 123
Paragon 39,900 52 141
Hoops! 1,396,740 107 86
Point Total 347 67

Entry (Womens) #4162
Game Score Points Rank
Rush 9,831,640 89 104
Lord of the Rings 65,366,210 195 2
Hoops! 1,085,890 83 110
Twister 219,539,370 72 121
Paragon 22,070 4 189
Point Total 443 63