The Open Classics High Stakes Womens

Player Name: Timber Engelbeen (#300)

Best Entry (The Open) #3594
Game Score Points Rank
Bow and Arrow 215,080 185 8
Johnny Mnemonic 2,637,486,080 150 43
Guardians 291,877,070 176 17
Deadly Weapon 33,865,720 185 8
Tee'd Off 2,431,342,890 188 5
Point Total 884 4

Best Entry (Classics) #2746
Game Score Points Rank
Alien Star 581,070 112 81
Centaur 789,300 159 34
Lady Luck 663,690 154 39
Harlem Globetrotters 1,128,420 189 4
Robo-War 2,001,720 166 27
Point Total 780 15

Best Entry (High Stakes) #660
Game Score Points Rank
Game of Thrones 1,629,754,790 178 15
Mystery Castle 2,040,301,980 195 2
Iron Maiden Prem 495,034,940 182 11
High Speed 1,168,220 165 28
Point Total 720 7

Other Submitted Entries for The Open

Entry (The Open) #664
Game Score Points Rank
Cyclone 1,764,320 136 57
Jurassic Park LW 10,059,570 142 51
Elton John 13,061,850 39 154
Jackbot 796,634,800 45 148
Tee'd Off 2,503,190,370 189 4
Point Total 551 104

Entry (The Open) #665 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Jaws Pro 172,880,220 106 87
Tee'd Off 33,067,760 26 167
Johnny Mnemonic 3,447,335,370 162 31
Point Total 294 226

Entry (The Open) #2725 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Tee'd Off 50,990,230 53 140
Point Total 53 353

Entry (The Open) #2726
Game Score Points Rank
Elton John 309,034,750 189 4
Jurassic Park LW 5,546,380 98 95
Godzilla (Sega) 34,813,380 6 187
Tee'd Off 1,179,220,790 175 18
Guardians 505,359,470 190 3
Point Total 658 61

Entry (The Open) #2727 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Jurassic Park LW 21,155,930 185 8
Tee'd Off 1,624,693,170 182 11
Elton John 5,772,310 0 223
Point Total 367 188

Entry (The Open) #2742 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Tee'd Off 661,085,330 160 33
Cyclone 409,120 0 307
Point Total 160 304

Entry (The Open) #2743 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Jurassic Park LW 5,603,290 99 94
Point Total 99 338

Entry (The Open) #2744 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Bone Busters 917,210 0 197
Point Total 0 364

Entry (The Open) #2745 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Jurassic Park LW 11,525,020 157 36
Elton John 20,761,750 95 98
Johnny Mnemonic 662,259,490 39 154
Point Total 291 226

Entry (The Open) #3592
Game Score Points Rank
Elton John 30,376,700 119 74
Guardians 503,680,540 189 4
Jurassic Park LW 8,419,630 128 65
Tee'd Off 4,484,932,850 200 1
Jaws Pro 46,515,950 0 213
Point Total 636 73

Entry (The Open) #3593 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Deadly Weapon 62,620,060 195 2
Cirqus Voltaire 15,608,920 113 80
Jurassic Park LW 7,613,060 122 71
Point Total 430 150

Other Submitted Entries for Classics

Entry (Classics) #2747
Game Score Points Rank
Eight Ball Champ 1,686,010 161 32
Seawitch 274,030 38 155
Point Total 199 328

Other Submitted Entries for High Stakes

Entry (High Stakes) #659
Game Score Points Rank
High Speed 3,146,660 183 10
Game of Thrones 498,639,730 160 33
Mystery Castle 378,625,520 175 18
Iron Maiden Prem 316,007,190 169 24
Point Total 687 10

Entry (High Stakes) #661 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Beat the Clock 549,130 170 23
High Speed 2,104,000 175 18
Creature FTBL 317,892,120 184 9
Point Total 529 20

Entry (High Stakes) #662 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
High Speed 3,126,130 182 11
Iron Maiden Prem 718,351,130 186 7
Mystery Castle 560,086,200 179 14
Point Total 547 20

Entry (High Stakes) #663 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Mystery Castle 512,354,130 179 14
Beat the Clock 720,470 171 22
Point Total 350 20

Entry (High Stakes) #2371
Game Score Points Rank
Mystery Castle 1,177,106,460 185 8
Iron Maiden Prem 389,482,160 173 20
Game of Thrones 1,484,925,390 175 18
High Speed 2,019,510 175 18
Point Total 708 8