The Open Classics High Stakes Womens

Player Name: Josh Sharpe (#263)

Best Entry (The Open) #4000
Game Score Points Rank
Grand Lizard 281,150 14 179
Galactic Tank Force 99,559,220 119 74
Cyclone 2,184,500 160 33
Elton John 118,307,950 175 18
Bone Busters 5,454,590 169 24
Point Total 637 72

Other Submitted Entries for The Open

Entry (The Open) #575
Game Score Points Rank
Godzilla (Sega) 158,251,860 162 31
Xenon 1,018,500 188 5
Johnny Mnemonic 511,912,370 9 184
Labyrinth 10,308,000 133 60
Jackbot 1,915,811,130 115 78
Point Total 607 84

Entry (The Open) #576
Game Score Points Rank
Kingpin 419,789,740 95 98
Time Fantasy 163,280 0 197
Grand Lizard 960,950 146 47
Tee'd Off 215,842,230 116 77
Cirqus Voltaire 5,488,160 0 212
Point Total 357 196

Entry (The Open) #3999
Game Score Points Rank
Xenon 265,920 79 114
Deadly Weapon 2,715,080 39 154
Jurassic Park LW 8,227,060 126 67
Escape From the Lost World 845,690 0 219
Bow and Arrow 98,790 69 124
Point Total 313 219

Entry (The Open) #4885
Game Score Points Rank
Jurassic Park LW 18,652,970 183 10
Bone Busters 1,152,090 21 172
Godzilla (Sega) 66,232,300 85 108
Stars 254,180 143 50
Bow and Arrow 167,220 169 24
Point Total 601 87

Entry (The Open) #5146 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Cyclone 2,075,430 156 37
Jurassic Park LW 4,785,180 84 109
Point Total 240 257

Entry (The Open) #5257
Game Score Points Rank
Cyclone 2,512,400 176 17
Godzilla (Sega) 149,333,790 157 36
Jackbot 732,395,520 35 158
Tee'd Off 708,794,600 167 26
Bone Busters 1,369,690 40 153
Point Total 575 96