The Open Classics High Stakes Womens

Player Name: Ashleigh Kolla (#243)

Best Entry (The Open) #512
Game Score Points Rank
Elton John 21,491,450 99 94
Xenon 387,710 127 66
Johnny Mnemonic 408,812,380 0 211
Bow and Arrow 91,860 48 145
Time Fantasy 109,180 0 269
Point Total 274 230

Best Entry (Classics) #2977
Game Score Points Rank
Blue Chip 366,580 95 98
Joker Poker 275,180 158 35
Xs & Os 687,260 130 63
Lady Luck 114,480 0 196
Robo-War 431,210 21 172
Point Total 404 246

Best Entry (Womens) #1154
Game Score Points Rank
Twister 197,618,230 58 135
Rush 6,456,150 64 129
Argosy 495,040 150 43
Hoops! 5,331,550 182 11
Congo 299,104,660 114 79
Point Total 568 44

Other Submitted Entries for The Open

Entry (The Open) #513
Game Score Points Rank
Kingpin 199,634,100 30 163
Bone Busters 166,120 0 338
Deadly Weapon 13,057,370 149 44
Tee'd Off 19,704,260 5 188
Bow and Arrow 54,410 0 294
Point Total 184 291

Entry (The Open) #2979
Game Score Points Rank
Godzilla (Sega) 14,599,230 0 265
Deadly Weapon 3,801,670 65 128
Tee'd Off 42,246,750 40 153
Kingpin 597,140,920 136 57
Time Fantasy 87,180 0 296
Point Total 241 255

Entry (The Open) #5260
Game Score Points Rank
Kingpin 18,950,160 0 233
Deadly Weapon 381,430 0 201
Escape From the Lost World 1,010,080 12 181
Point Total 12 362

Other Submitted Entries for Classics

Entry (Classics) #2976
Game Score Points Rank
Lady Luck 308,690 86 107
Blue Chip 353,940 90 103
Xs & Os 528,730 113 80
Robo-War 568,120 49 144
Seawitch 169,040 2 191
Point Total 340 282

Entry (Classics) #2978
Game Score Points Rank
Xs & Os 334,690 62 131
Lady Luck 322,410 90 103
Joker Poker 155,950 77 116
Monaco 455,680 75 118
Trident 205,740 82 111
Point Total 386 252

Other Submitted Entries for Womens

Entry (Womens) #1153
Game Score Points Rank
Argosy 482,920 144 49
Twister 289,911,730 107 86
Hoops! 719,860 54 139
Paragon 31,400 32 161
Total Nuclear Annihilation 200,891 98 95
Point Total 435 63

Entry (Womens) #1155
Game Score Points Rank
Argosy 445,190 124 69
Twister 160,788,010 40 153
Hoops! 880,360 67 126
Congo 623,119,820 170 23
Paragon 8,770 0 204
Point Total 401 66

Entry (Womens) #3857 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Argosy 322,640 57 136
Hoops! 4,426,940 176 17
Point Total 233 69

Entry (Womens) #4055
Game Score Points Rank
Argosy 362,050 83 110
Hoops! 1,809,630 132 61
Congo 212,565,700 81 112
Twister 280,572,260 105 88
Lord of the Rings 10,307,930 143 50
Point Total 544 48