The Open Classics High Stakes Womens

Player Name: Travis Murie (#235)

Best Entry (The Open) #4899
Game Score Points Rank
Guardians 89,882,880 100 93
Grand Lizard 2,288,790 195 2
Johnny Mnemonic 5,240,915,470 173 20
Jaws Pro 126,643,390 64 129
Galactic Tank Force 104,407,790 123 70
Point Total 655 61

Other Submitted Entries for The Open

Entry (The Open) #496
Game Score Points Rank
Johnny Mnemonic 865,350,920 51 142
Godzilla (Sega) 58,018,660 63 130
Grand Lizard 1,431,090 175 18
Galactic Tank Force 269,437,780 175 18
Deadly Weapon 8,117,560 110 83
Point Total 574 96

Entry (The Open) #497
Game Score Points Rank
Deadly Weapon 4,789,790 74 119
Stars 167,940 78 115
Cyclone 617,330 0 235
Bow and Arrow 83,350 16 177
Jurassic Park LW 8,864,140 133 60
Point Total 301 223

Entry (The Open) #3222 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Stars 244,950 137 56
Johnny Mnemonic 1,953,819,040 124 69
Galactic Tank Force 66,550,590 69 124
Jackbot 681,753,910 30 163
Point Total 360 193

Entry (The Open) #3470 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Johnny Mnemonic 4,091,089,790 167 26
Galactic Tank Force 65,074,090 68 125
Point Total 235 261

Entry (The Open) #3936 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Galactic Tank Force 231,995,680 172 21
Johnny Mnemonic 5,350,124,380 174 19
Stars 93,420 0 246
Point Total 346 202

Entry (The Open) #4682 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Galactic Tank Force 175,328,640 158 35
Johnny Mnemonic 4,415,510,960 168 25
Kingpin 55,745,710 0 193
Point Total 326 216