The Open Classics High Stakes Womens

Player Name: Sara Little (#134)

Best Entry (The Open) #1843
Game Score Points Rank
Jackbot 1,533,808,990 95 98
Grand Lizard 65,980 0 356
Johnny Mnemonic 1,758,827,870 116 77
Godzilla (Sega) 105,993,670 128 65
Labyrinth 4,844,120 46 147
Point Total 385 178

Best Entry (Classics) #882
Game Score Points Rank
Pinbot 379,020 77 116
Trident 92,740 0 208
El Dorado City of Gold 835,570 188 5
Joker Poker 192,500 110 83
Robo-War 1,513,360 147 46
Point Total 522 159

Best Entry (Womens) #2989
Game Score Points Rank
Lord of the Rings 5,201,010 99 94
Paragon 85,220 133 60
Twister 702,780,030 176 17
Rush 157,325,250 195 2
Congo 911,355,710 183 10
Point Total 786 8

Other Submitted Entries for The Open

Entry (The Open) #139
Game Score Points Rank
Godzilla (Sega) 103,875,540 124 69
Labyrinth 8,107,180 99 94
Elton John 2,681,410 0 261
Cyclone 447,200 0 294
Stars 196,020 103 90
Point Total 326 216

Entry (The Open) #140
Game Score Points Rank
Cyclone 1,275,270 98 95
Jackbot 654,065,110 27 166
Stars 91,770 0 249
Johnny Mnemonic 1,111,955,290 73 120
Escape From the Lost World 1,021,340 13 180
Point Total 211 276

Entry (The Open) #141
Game Score Points Rank
Escape From the Lost World 901,820 0 207
Godzilla (Sega) 113,499,770 135 58
Cyclone 542,300 0 256
Xenon 352,670 114 79
Jackbot 389,435,910 0 204
Point Total 249 249

Entry (The Open) #142
Game Score Points Rank
Johnny Mnemonic 632,619,450 32 161
Cirqus Voltaire 4,390,400 0 246
Grand Lizard 197,370 0 242
Xenon 353,390 116 77
Labyrinth 4,698,950 40 153
Point Total 188 288

Entry (The Open) #1841 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Godzilla (Sega) 107,573,600 129 64
Johnny Mnemonic 2,440,056,730 142 51
Jaws Pro 77,396,660 15 178
Bow and Arrow 59,790 0 269
Point Total 286 227

Entry (The Open) #1842 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Guardians 12,056,360 0 222
Point Total 0 364

Other Submitted Entries for Classics

Entry (Classics) #881
Game Score Points Rank
Abra Ca Dabra 21,530 0 193
Nine Ball 520,730 153 40
Robo-War 1,542,450 149 44
Lady Luck 88,980 0 211
Centaur 155,100 0 207
Point Total 302 294

Entry (Classics) #1847
Game Score Points Rank
El Dorado City of Gold 293,310 125 68
Trident 292,480 127 66
Robo-War 587,150 53 140
Eight Ball Champ 469,500 72 121
Seawitch 452,380 89 104
Point Total 466 210

Entry (Classics) #1848
Game Score Points Rank
Nine Ball 347,660 99 94
Joker Poker 298,060 170 23
Seawitch 571,930 117 76
Alien Star 54,010 0 208
Trident 61,080 0 233
Point Total 386 252

Entry (Classics) #4956 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
El Dorado City of Gold 243,400 104 89
Point Total 104 343

Entry (Classics) #4982 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Seawitch 143,130 0 203
Point Total 0 344

Entry (Classics) #5078
Game Score Points Rank
Trident 167,130 54 139
Seawitch 569,160 115 78
Victory 2,380,430 105 88
Eight Ball Champ 206,690 9 184
OXO 66,390 122 71
Point Total 405 242

Other Submitted Entries for Womens

Entry (Womens) #1845
Game Score Points Rank
Lord of the Rings 7,922,640 134 59
Paragon 22,350 6 187
Congo 515,340,110 153 40
Rush 9,235,500 85 108
Hoops! 549,650 31 162
Point Total 409 66

Entry (Womens) #1846
Game Score Points Rank
Lord of the Rings 59,968,890 188 5
Rush 97,892,990 186 7
Hoops! 1,187,860 88 105
Paragon 71,730 119 74
Twister 152,530,160 29 164
Point Total 610 33

Entry (Womens) #2393 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Congo 122,411,930 49 144
Lord of the Rings 6,432,840 113 80
Argosy 491,950 148 45
Total Nuclear Annihilation 117,130 66 127
Hoops! 622,060 38 155
Point Total 414 65

Entry (Womens) #2542
Game Score Points Rank
Congo 127,214,190 56 137
Lord of the Rings 10,888,800 145 48
Hoops! 685,620 50 143
Argosy 589,680 176 17
Paragon 211,210 174 19
Point Total 601 35

Entry (Womens) #2543
Game Score Points Rank
Rush 19,360,030 130 63
Congo 148,884,730 61 132
Paragon 25,150 11 182
Hoops! 2,070,340 141 52
Lord of the Rings 14,879,580 156 37
Point Total 499 52

Entry (Womens) #2988
Game Score Points Rank
Lord of the Rings 45,932,180 184 9
Rush 20,517,220 132 61
Paragon 159,790 165 28
Argosy 534,970 159 34
Congo 179,831,430 73 120
Point Total 713 19

Entry (Womens) #3384
Game Score Points Rank
Hoops! 4,292,730 175 18
Twister 417,153,820 150 43
Lord of the Rings 23,216,750 172 21
Total Nuclear Annihilation 177,180 88 105
Congo 3,493,887,140 200 1
Point Total 785 9