The Open Classics High Stakes Womens

Player Name: Dawnda Durbin (#126)

Best Entry (The Open) #109
Game Score Points Rank
Jaws Pro 144,180,920 82 111
Elton John 6,409,950 0 218
Galactic Tank Force 115,171,010 137 56
Cirqus Voltaire 38,010,900 176 17
Jackbot 1,098,170,740 68 125
Point Total 463 135

Best Entry (Classics) #866
Game Score Points Rank
Seawitch 399,900 74 119
Nine Ball 830,150 179 14
Eight Ball Champ 928,750 122 71
Big Game 180,820 33 160
Alien Star 233,130 52 141
Point Total 460 212

Best Entry (Womens) #2487
Game Score Points Rank
Rush 26,859,470 144 49
Congo 1,059,408,180 188 5
Lord of the Rings 3,314,370 74 119
Twister 198,263,050 59 134
Total Nuclear Annihilation 403,620 150 43
Point Total 615 31

Other Submitted Entries for The Open

Entry (The Open) #107
Game Score Points Rank
Jaws Pro 85,573,500 26 167
Cirqus Voltaire 7,157,410 27 166
Galactic Tank Force 54,638,240 46 147
Jackbot 668,970,640 29 164
Elton John 9,087,750 3 190
Point Total 131 319

Entry (The Open) #108
Game Score Points Rank
Jaws Pro 79,870,150 17 176
Galactic Tank Force 67,147,450 70 123
Cirqus Voltaire 4,346,940 0 249
Escape From the Lost World 270,520 0 354
Elton John 8,719,950 0 195
Point Total 87 340

Entry (The Open) #110
Game Score Points Rank
Jaws Pro 67,715,610 6 187
Cirqus Voltaire 7,902,840 40 153
Stars 127,520 21 172
Galactic Tank Force 37,029,470 0 197
Elton John 2,389,460 0 266
Point Total 67 348

Other Submitted Entries for Classics

Entry (Classics) #865
Game Score Points Rank
Nine Ball 259,680 57 136
Seawitch 410,820 77 116
Eight Ball Champ 396,310 58 135
Pinbot 473,830 99 94
Centaur 96,040 0 235
Point Total 291 298

Other Submitted Entries for Womens

Entry (Womens) #2488
Game Score Points Rank
Rush 8,091,370 75 118
Paragon 41,380 55 138
Congo 343,831,900 124 69
Argosy 237,890 27 166
Hoops! 378,480 16 177
Point Total 297 69

Entry (Womens) #3445
Game Score Points Rank
Congo 185,789,320 77 116
Lord of the Rings 2,552,600 59 134
Argosy 408,980 105 88
Rush 16,110,820 119 74
Total Nuclear Annihilation 77,490 51 142
Point Total 411 66

Entry (Womens) #3514
Game Score Points Rank
Congo 66,400,070 27 166
Paragon 89,720 137 56
Twister 369,650,130 136 57
Rush 17,229,650 122 71
Argosy 294,910 50 143
Point Total 472 58

Entry (Womens) #3515 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Rush 389,740 24 169
Paragon 26,370 19 174
Total Nuclear Annihilation 189,230 94 99
Point Total 137 69

Entry (Womens) #3803
Game Score Points Rank
Congo 115,196,710 49 144
Rush 31,845,460 150 43
Argosy 458,050 129 64
Twister 473,220,650 159 34
Paragon 24,810 9 184
Point Total 496 52

Entry (Womens) #3804
Game Score Points Rank
Argosy 194,700 2 191
Rush 38,217,160 160 33
Congo 256,436,220 95 98
Lord of the Rings 20,874,900 167 26
Paragon 51,440 84 109
Point Total 508 51