The Open Classics High Stakes Womens

Player Name: Anna Neal (#110)

Best Entry (The Open) #2195
Game Score Points Rank
Xenon 264,300 76 117
Jaws Pro 79,885,460 18 175
Labyrinth 5,629,280 61 132
Cyclone 654,130 0 218
Galactic Tank Force 121,026,360 140 53
Point Total 295 225

Best Entry (Classics) #833
Game Score Points Rank
Robo-War 679,810 67 126
Victory 1,338,990 72 121
Trident 404,860 162 31
Alien Star 512,240 106 87
Harlem Globetrotters 136,370 54 139
Point Total 461 211

Best Entry (Womens) #3853
Game Score Points Rank
Rush 63,527,980 174 19
Congo 756,540,160 178 15
Twister 452,545,830 154 39
Total Nuclear Annihilation 380,601 140 53
Hoops! 1,905,910 134 59
Point Total 780 9

Other Submitted Entries for The Open

Entry (The Open) #43
Game Score Points Rank
Labyrinth 2,208,710 0 221
Bone Busters 501,030 0 269
Tee'd Off 194,371,700 111 82
Escape From the Lost World 1,682,510 98 95
Jaws Pro 143,635,060 81 112
Point Total 290 226

Entry (The Open) #44 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Guardians 20,562,420 5 188
Time Fantasy 265,350 75 118
Xenon 37,870 0 335
Cyclone 290,130 0 357
Bone Busters 818,090 0 214
Point Total 80 341

Entry (The Open) #46 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Labyrinth 1,943,540 0 241
Point Total 0 364

Entry (The Open) #2194
Game Score Points Rank
Cyclone 913,190 45 148
Escape From the Lost World 1,172,910 28 165
Galactic Tank Force 109,876,170 131 62
Jurassic Park LW 718,790 0 237
Grand Lizard 238,840 0 205
Point Total 204 281

Other Submitted Entries for Classics

Entry (Classics) #834 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Alien Star 103,040 6 187
Harlem Globetrotters 303,360 134 59
Point Total 140 339

Other Submitted Entries for Womens

Entry (Womens) #2198
Game Score Points Rank
Paragon 28,700 27 166
Hoops! 12,191,190 200 1
Twister 244,990,410 82 111
Rush 12,853,860 107 86
Total Nuclear Annihilation 399,911 149 44
Point Total 565 45

Entry (Womens) #2199
Game Score Points Rank
Total Nuclear Annihilation 593,781 171 22
Lord of the Rings 5,597,330 105 88
Congo 299,807,820 115 78
Twister 211,557,870 63 130
Argosy 342,280 77 116
Point Total 531 49

Entry (Womens) #2200 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Rush 36,058,130 157 36
Total Nuclear Annihilation 383,951 141 52
Paragon 60,650 107 86
Congo 270,438,610 103 90
Twister 419,333,960 150 43
Point Total 658 24

Entry (Womens) #2201
Game Score Points Rank
Total Nuclear Annihilation 866,092 184 9
Congo 157,013,510 66 127
Hoops! 4,997,250 181 12
Twister 302,278,910 110 83
Rush 84,072,690 181 12
Point Total 722 18

Entry (Womens) #3155 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Rush 70,408,680 175 18
Total Nuclear Annihilation 550,041 168 25
Paragon 75,410 122 71
Twister 241,306,470 80 113
Argosy 417,400 110 83
Point Total 655 24

Entry (Womens) #3751 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Hoops! 111 1 192
Point Total 1 69

Entry (Womens) #3831 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Hoops! 1,473,520 112 81
Point Total 112 69

Entry (Womens) #3852 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Rush 16,031,750 118 75
Paragon 85,240 133 60
Point Total 251 69

Entry (Womens) #3975
Game Score Points Rank
Lord of the Rings 26,427,600 176 17
Paragon 116,870 157 36
Argosy 222,580 16 177
Twister 261,201,220 96 97
Congo 222,596,690 83 110
Point Total 528 51

Entry (Womens) #3976
Game Score Points Rank
Twister 305,464,230 111 82
Congo 835,532,250 180 13
Paragon 115,650 156 37
Lord of the Rings 11,699,670 148 45
Point Total 595 37