High Stakes Playoffs: Finals

Finals Group #1 Beat the Clock Game of Thrones Iron Maiden Total Result
1 Escher Lefkoff P2 1,434,460 1 P2 3,183,247,820 2 P2 2,806,454,780 4 7 1st
2 Arvid Flygare P4 1,335,630 0 P4 4,253,454,740 4 P4 1,900,000,000 2 6 2nd
3 Daniele Celestino Acciari P3 3,114,330 4 P3 342,088,520 0 P3 967,888,490 1 5 3rd
4 Dalton Ely P1 1,554,010 2 P1 2,135,902,910 1 P1 244,477,470 0 3 4th