The Open Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Steve Strom (#388)

Best Entry (The Open) #2680
Game Score Points Rank
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle 8,808,670 353 140
Black Knight Sword of Rage 94,046,430 388 105
Meteor 771,690 486 7
Class of 1812 9,856,420 388 105
Black Rose 7,357,680 317 176
Point Total 1932 112

Best Entry (Classics II) #3176
Game Score Points Rank
4 Square 7,116 484 9
Ali 157,700 426 67
Frontier 410,840 476 17
Comet 1,102,240 486 7
Point Total 1872 25

Other Submitted Entries for The Open

Entry (The Open) #2679
Game Score Points Rank
Viking 97,750 255 238
Rescue 911 137,928,680 437 56
Dialed In 109,110 310 183
Class of 1812 21,262,410 476 17
Starlight 182,690 230 263
Point Total 1708 177

Entry (The Open) #2681
Game Score Points Rank
Dialed In 449,390 454 39
Radical 2,341,030 269 224
Indy 500 185,630,420 348 145
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle 51,029,311 473 20
Diner 1,052,270 229 264
Point Total 1773 156

Entry (The Open) #3173 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Dialed In 65,330 271 222
Point Total 271 323

Entry (The Open) #3174 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Meteor 74,500 194 299
Starlight 846,270 442 51
Point Total 636 320

Entry (The Open) #3175 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle 14,434,310 385 108
Radical 8,329,910 428 65
Meteor 132,730 243 250
Point Total 1056 316

Entry (The Open) #3556
Game Score Points Rank
Radical 10,147,840 457 36
Jurassic Park 78,582,810 405 88
Meteor 327,510 394 99
Dialed In 106,920 309 184
Starlight 103,580 154 339
Point Total 1719 175