The Open Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Orazio Strealy (#345)

Best Entry (The Open) #1339
Game Score Points Rank
Rescue 911 170,030 348 145
Black Knight Sword of Rage 1,757,490 216 277
Jurassic Park 10,465,420 209 284
Black Rose 3,818,320 259 234
Indy 500 20,452,880 256 237
Point Total 1288 292

Other Submitted Entries for The Open

Entry (The Open) #1337
Game Score Points Rank
Banzai Run 191,620 265 228
Jurassic Park 3,836,080 163 330
Rescue 911 20,261,350 368 125
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle 4,715,100 291 202
Radical 465,610 188 305
Point Total 1275 295

Entry (The Open) #1338
Game Score Points Rank
F-14 Tomcat 218,590 179 314
Black Knight Sword of Rage 5,280,440 240 253
Jurassic Park 1,841,140 157 336
Rescue 911 18,150,000 364 129
Meteor 193,030 299 194
Point Total 1239 300

Entry (The Open) #1340
Game Score Points Rank
Rescue 911 9,693,060 352 141
Dialed In 91,070 290 203
Cactus Canyon 3,463,500 235 258
Meteor 66,810 189 304
Black Knight Sword of Rage 552,270 213 280
Point Total 1279 295

Entry (The Open) #1341
Game Score Points Rank
Jurassic Park 2,539,120 160 333
Dialed In 37,870 229 264
Meteor 122,160 234 259
F-14 Tomcat 174,410 161 332
Banzai Run 861,850 367 126
Point Total 1151 310

Entry (The Open) #3236
Game Score Points Rank
Black Rose 3,532,610 257 236
Dialed In 24,410 205 288
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle 1,492,850 242 251
Radical 653,170 192 301
F-14 Tomcat 379,250 240 253
Point Total 1136 311